I nodded "True. Wanna join them?"

I smirked and showed him my fangs.

His eyes ripped open.

I speeded at him and bit in his neck.

I felt a burn in my throat.

I let go of him and started to cough the blood out.

I heard the security camera moving.

I looked up and coughed out "Vervain"

Suddenly the door opened in front of me.

I nodded at the camera "thanks"

I walked inside and my jaw dropped.

The Armory. I walked to a gun and took it.

I sighed "Plastic. "

Suddenly i heard dad "guys, you need to leave. Now"

I threw the gun away but suddenly i heard beeping. A Bomb.

I turned around.

A glas Bombs. They were filled with...nails? Great!.

10, 9, 8, 7,..

I was going to speed out of the door but it closed in front of me.

I hammered against the door and screamed "Dad!"

The beeping got quicker.

I tried to open the door but it didn't open.

Suddenly the bomb blew off.

I cried out in pain. The glas splinters and nail rammed in my back.

I could hear dad and Lydia call for me.

I slipped down the door and everything went black.


I woke up.

My back hurts like a bitch.

But i could hardly breath. Something sucked the oxygen out of the room.

You could hear me breathing. I already saw black dots everywhere.

I tried to stand up but my legs were weak.

My lungs were already hurting. I fell on my knees.

Suddenly smoke got spread into the room. Vervain.

I cried out in pain when i inhaled it.

First sucking all the oxygen out and then filling the room with Vervain. Probably Gerard's idea.

My lungs were on fire. For fuck's sake.

Suddenly the door broke open.

I could hear voices "oh my god, Corina!"

Suddenly i felt picked up. I cried out when the person touched my back.

I think it was Scott saying "I am so sorry"

Home. Night.

I was sitting on the bathtub with no shirt on.

Lydia and Malia were pulling out the glass and nails.

Malia "two more"

Suddenly she pulled a nail out. i balled a fist that strong that the nails were digging in my palms.

Lydia then ripped out of nowhere another one out.

I cried out "fuck!"

Lydia "i'm so sorry"

I pleaded "Please tell me that was the last one"

Malia suddenly pulled, what felt like the deepest, out.

I yelled out.

Malia "that was the last one"

Melissa walked inside "how are you feeling, honey?"

Me "Like i've been nailed"

Malia laughed.

I looked at her and shook my head.

Malia stopped laughing "yeah, i'm gonna check on Scott"

I nodded. She stood up and left.

Melissa handed me a glass of blood.

I downed it "I'm gonna need more than that"

Melissa "we don't have anymore here. We need to bring you to the hospital. Maybe i can clean out the cuts and do something against the Vervain in your wounds"

I sighed in pain "anything"

Melissa nodded "then let's go"

Lydia asked surprised "now?"

Melissa nodded "yes. now"

I nodded and got up. I hissed in pain.

Lydia "i'm gonna get you something to wear"

I nodded.

Lydia walked into my room and came seconds later with a white plaid shirt back.

I shot her a look "White?"

Lydia rolled her eyes " put a jacket on...we don't have time"

She grabbed my arm and we walked downstairs. on my way downstairs i put it on. Well, Lydia helped me putting it on.

Dad and Mason were downstairs. Dad held a map in his hands.

Melissa "we're on our way to the hospital"

Dad sighed "that has to wait"

Melissa "Chr-"

He just laid the map out in the table. A world map with a few big red dots on it.

Dad "They're Nemetons."

Melissa "what does Gerard want with them?"

Mason" If they're like the one here, then they're beacons for supernaturals. "

Dad "If you wanted to kill every supernatural creatures in the world, these are where he would start"

Melissa "Well, then Gerard isn't gonna stop with Beacon Hills, is he?"

Dad nodded "he want's the whole world"

Suddenly a door got slammed shut. Everybody jerked together.

Raphael "Where's Scott?"

Melissa rolled her eyes "upstairs. Why?"

Raphael shook his head  "he can't leave. no one can"

Melissa "nice to see that you changed your mind but i'm afraid to ask why. "

Raphael "It's Gerard's weapons"

Scott and Malia came to us.

He asked confused "dad?"

Raphael "the guns, they've all been distributes legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills. All of them , and at no charge. "

I asked confused "He just gave them away?"

Dad shook his head "no. He's arming his army"

Suddenly Lydia yelled "Get down!!"

Everybody bulled everybody down. a gunfire. Everybody outside was firing into the house at us.

Suddenly i smelled more blood.

I looked at the person who was laying on the ground.

My jaw dropped "no"

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