Me "does he even speak our language?"

Liam "Mr. Ghost rider? Mr. Rider?"

I rolled my eyes "are you for real?"

Liam "We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back"

Scott "Everyone. We want everyone back"

Liam "Tell us how to get 'em all back"

Me "Can you even understand us?"

Theo looked at us "This is the plan?"

Liam "there wasn't a plan for this part of the plan"

Scott nodded "It's okay"

Me "He can't get out. We just have to figure out how to communicate with him"

Scott "Maybe he can't hear us"

Liam "Maybe he speaks an ancient language"

Theo "Maybe he only responds to pain"

I shrugged "or fear"

Theo "Nothing's gonna scare this thing. Look at him. He's a walking corpse"

I looked at the Rider closer "Why did he stop trying to get out?. He's waiting for something? What is he waiting for?"

Suddenly the Rider made a strange sound.

My eyes went wide.

Theo "did he just call for backup?"

Liam "When Corey made the ghost Rider visible At the party, then the other one showed up"

I nodded "Liam's right. Either we get him to talk or something or we get the hell out of here"


Parrish showed up. 

He was just standing in front of the Rider in front of the Gate.

Nothing was happening.

Liam, Scott, Theo and i were standing in the corner watching them.

Theo "That's progress"

I looked at him "Shut up"

Liam to Parrish "ask him how we get everyone back"

Parrish "Tell us how we get everyone back"

The Rider made another strange sound.

Me "what the hell did he just say?"

Parrish "he said "Hellhound"."

Theo "is that a good thing?"

Me "Ask him again"

Parrish "What do you want from us?"

Suddenly the Rider said "We are the wild hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever. "

I stepped forward "What do you want?"

He answered "we are the Wild Hunt. Those who hunt with us hunt forever"

Theo "That clarifies things"

Me "Sound like an invitation to join them"

Scott "what do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?"

The Rider looked at Scott.

Liam "Why is he looking at Scott?"

Theo "He figured out Scott's the alpha"

Scott "there must be something you want"

Rider "There is only the hunt. No one resists. No one escapes"

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