brainwashed hero (angst to fluff/happy ending)

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Tamaki sat up straight, opening his eyes quickly as he looked around, being a shaky mess and having a blurry sight from all the tears forming in his eyes. He looked next to him to see if it was just a bad nightmare, only to see that you weren't there and it was the truth.

It was the first time that Tamaki closed his eyes since the accident and he was exhausted. The male couldn't get to sleep since he lost you, seeing images of you dying in front of him over and over and it was killing him, he couldn't help but to blame himself for not being strong enough.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get the imagines off his significant other dying in front of his eyes and it broke him.

- Flashback.

"Y/N! Watch out!" Tamaki warned, noticing how villains were getting closer to you while you were stuck under some rubble. "Tamaki.." You started, already accepting your loss with a smile on your face.

"It's okay I've fought enough.." You reassured him, yet Tamaki shook his head. "We still have so much to do together!" Tamaki cried out as his vision started to get blurry and his voice cracked slightly. "Tama, carry on living, save as much people as you can and be happy without me." You mumbled, smiling at him weakly, not being able to get up.

The both of you didn't notice the building slowly crumbling apart, until a few bigger parts of rubble fell down. Tamaki turned his attention to the building and then looked back at you, shaking a bit from the fear of losing you and not being able to take a step closer to you, being totally frozen in his movements.

"Come on, just move!" Tamaki snapped, trying to take a step towards you as it got harder for him to see from the tears collecting in his eye lashes. He shook his head and finally took a step towards you, focussing on you and you only, not noticing the building next to you collapsing.

"Tamaki, I'll always love you." You comforted him gently, accepting your death as you closed your eyes and right at that moment, all the rubble from the building collapsing, fell all over you.

"No!" Tamaki screamed out, running towards you, only to be pulled back by other heroes, who arrived way too late. "It's dangerous there suneater, you'll put your life in danger." The other hero informed him.

"No..." He cried out, slowly giving up on fighting back as his vision was getting more blurry with the second and the tears fell down his face as he kept staring at the place where you were buried.

Back up might have arrived, but at what cost? He lost the only thing that kept him going, the one that accepted and understood him for the way he was. He didn't even feel like fighting anymore. However, he remembered what you told him before dying and the sight of you smiling at him before getting buried, he wouldn't just let you die in vain, Tamaki was gonna avenge you, no matter the cost.

- End of Flashback. 

It happened a few days ago when you guys went on a mission together, sadly underestimating the villain and not knowing that he had back up ready. The both of you did everything you could however, it wasn't enough and back up arrived way too late, resulting in you giving your life up and telling Tamaki to carry on with living to save as much people as he can.

Tamaki couldn't just carry on with living, especially not after seeing the person he did everything for, die in front of his eyes. He was heartbroken, exhausted and extremely upset with himself.

Why couldn't he be stronger? Why couldn't he just protect you? Why wasn't he the one who died in the fight? Why did this have to happen? He couldn't take it at all, especially after he fact that they didn't even find your body, you couldn't even have a proper funeral after you fought so hard.

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