late night dancing*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!


You laid on your bed, staring at your ceiling as your phone was put down next to you. You had woken up from a nightmare a while ago but you couldn't get back to sleep, no matter how hard you tried. You texted Tamaki asking if he was up but never had a response so you just figured that he was asleep, it was 3 AM after all, he wouldn't be up right now, would he?

There was a knock at your door, making you jump up and grab your phone just in case. You walked towards the door and opened it carefully, relaxing when you see your boyfriend at the door. Tamaki smiles and waves at you, whispering a quiet "hey."

"Hey, I thought you were asleep." You said and opened the door a bit more so he could walk in. "I saw your text and decided to just come to your room, sorry for not responding." He answers and quickly pecks your lips. "It's fine Tama, aren't you tired?" You asked him and he shook his head. "Not at all, are you okay babe?" He asked and hugged you gently. "I'm way better now." You said and nuzzled your face into his neck.

Tamaki smiled and rubbed your back gently, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and swaying you both from side to side, humming a song. Tamaki had a nice voice to sing with it, you always loved it when he hummed a song for you, it made you feel safe somehow. You started dancing along a bit and Tamaki smiled bigly.

Tamaki always loved dancing with you late at night, he loved dancing with you in general but late at night, no one was around. He was scared to dance around others, he was scared to dance with you at first too but he grew more and more comfortable over time. He would never admit that he was scared off dancing in front of others, but it clearly showed, you weren't gonna call him out on that though.

You smiled as Tamaki turned on a song and danced along to it, as he joined you, it was the song you guys first danced to together and held a lot of memories for you both. You smiled and continued giving kisses meanwhile and laughing a bit, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him passionately. Tamaki kissed back, holding your hips gently as he deepened the kiss.

There was nothing better than dancing with your significant lover and getting kisses late at night after all, you couldn't ask for more.

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