calming him down*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!


''W What if I fail and m mess up e everything?'' Tamaki said and walked all around the house because of his nervousness. He had a huge mission tomorrow morning, a mission to safe a girl named Eri. Now he wasn't supposed to tell you about it, but he couldn't hold him self back, especially when the mission was with a lot of other pro heroes as well, making him feel like he wouldn't be enough.

''W What if we can't safe Eri-chan because of m me?'' Tamaki said and couldn't take being home alone any longer. He was losing his shit and needed you with him. ''I I'm gonna mess it up so bad, I I'm too weak.'' Tamaki mumbled and didn't even notice you walked in.

You hung your jacket and got worried when you saw him stressing. ''Hey babe, I'm home.'' You said softly and Tamaki looked up at you. He walked over to you right away and hugged you from behind nuzzling the crook of your neck, slowly taking in your warmth to calm him down.

You were his comfort, you didn't even have to try, he would just hold you tight, taking your warmth in, calming himself down completely. You were aware of this and didn't mind it at all. You would let him hold you as long as he needed, knowing for a fact he really needs it. When it comes to you stressing, Tamaki would just lift you up and hug you and whisper sweet things into your ear, he lifted up so you could hide your face in his neck and take the time you need to calm down. He would do this whenever you needed, even at school or somewhere outside, even tough he would get nervous and all flustered.

''Babe it's gonna be okay.'' You said softly and started rubbing his hand with your thumb. ''Don't ever say you're too weak. You're one of the strongest people I know, only if you could see that yourself as well.'' You said and felt him calming down a bit more. ''You're not gonna mess anything up, you got this babe.'' You said and got out of his grip and turned around to look at him.

You grabbed both his hands and smiled at him. ''You know I'm proud of you and I believe in you. You're gonna show them what Sun Eater is made off!'' You said and kissed his cheek, a blush creeping up his face. ''Y You're way too kind y/n.'' He said softly. ''No I'm not, I'm your number one supporter.'' You giggled and he pulled you into a hug again.

''Please be my number one supporter forever.'' He said softly, resting his head on your shoulder.

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें