another nightmare*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!


You were just cleaning up your dorm room as your boyfriend slept in your bed. You guys had hero training today and he was exhausted, you on the other hand were full of energy, that's why you decided to clean your room. You put the last few things away and you heard someone crying.

Tamaki was crying and shaking in his dream, having the worst nightmare ever. You rushed over to the bed and laid down next to him. ''Hey Tama, it's okay.'' You said softly and shook him a bit, only for him to cry harder. ''Tamaki, you're safe, it's a nightmare.'' You whispered in his ear and gently wrapped your arms around him, playing with his hair a bit because it calms him down.

''I'ts a nightmare Tama, I'm here.'' You whispered and this time he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at you. You smiled and gently wiped the tears away, but they kept on streaming. Tamaki hugged you tight and just cried harder. ''I'm glad.'' He said. "I'm so glad." He said and you were confused. ''What happened Tama?" You asked softly.

''T They made me watch how you were k killed over and over a and it was r really bad.'' He sniffed, you gently grabbed his hands and looked him in the eye. ''I'm so sorry that you had to see that, but I'm here see? I'm safe.'' You said and rubbed his hand with your thumb, calming him down a bit. ''Y Yeah.'' He mumbled. ''P Please don't ever leave.'' He said. ''I won't, look I'm here with you now and I will forever be.'' You said. ''R Really?" He sniffed and you nodded. ''Yeah really, I'm not leaving you alone.'' You said.

You smiled and laid him down on your chest while playing with his hair. He snuggled up into your chest and tried to calm himself down more. ''Shh baby, it's okay.'' You said softly and kept telling him sweet things. Yeah sure Tamaki had calmed down a bit form when he woke up, but he still was shaking.

''We're safe.'' You said and he mumbled something, followed by snoring. You smiled at him and gently pulled the sheets over the two of you. ''I'll protect you forever.'' You said and kissed his cheek, his grip around you never got loosened, it almost was like he was too scared to let go.


iT's 1;30 am I apologize for this shit

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon