doing the dishes*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!


You happily sang along with a song playing on the background while washing the dishes. Tamaki walked downstairs with a big smile on his face, he had just showered and was shirtless. He looked at you and thought about how lucky he was, you guys have been living together for a few months now and he couldn't be happier. He walked closer to you but you didn't notice since your focus was on the dishes.

Tamaki smiled and gently hugged you from behind, making you jump a bit, but you relax right away, knowing it is just Tamaki. You smiled as he nuzzled his face into your neck, taking in your warmth. ''You scared me.'' You said softly. ''I'm sorry babe.'' He mumbled against your neck, making you shiver a bit. He noticed and placed a gentle kiss on your neck.

You put the last dishes away and turned to him, blushing a bit when you saw him shirtless. ''I was too focused on the dishes that I didn't notice you were done with showering.'' You smiled. ''Yeah I figured.'' He giggled and held you close, nuzzling his face into your neck one again. ''I love you.'' You mumbled and played with his hair.

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora