Magic Murderer - Chapter 9 Guess

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Magic Murderer - Chapter 9 Guess

"What's your name? Hurry up and tell me!" After Chen Jiayi kissed Ma Han fiercely, she grabbed his collar and wouldn't let go so that he would have to tell her his name.

Looking at Ma Han again, it seemed as though he probably hadn't been so embarrassed in his entire life. He looked at the little girl's face full of excitement with horror What was the matter with modern women??

"What's with your expression?!" Chen Jiayi gripped Ma Han's collar a bit violently and shook it twice. "It's as if I took advantage of you?!"

The two were at a deadlock. Then, they heard the man who had just fallen to the ground behind them shout, "Hey!"

Ma Han and Chen Jiayi turned around and saw that Shen Ling had gotten up from the ground. She was wearing the man's jacket, and her face was still full of shock. The man's air was completely different from his stupid and cowardly one moments before-he had a look of anger.

"You!" The man pointed at Ma Han and asked, "Why did you just let them go?!"

Ma Han was distracted for a moment and thought it was a bit ridiculous, but he was a man who did not like talking very much, and he would not quarrel with others. Ignoring the man, he decided to go back inside. He knew that he should not have come out earlier.

"Stop!" Noticing that Ma Han was not speaking, the man was reluctant to let him go and took a several steps towards him. "You aren't with those guys from earlier, are you?"

Ma Han didn't like talking, but that didn't mean he had a good temper! Having said that, in the whole of S.C.I., none of them were good-tempered, and they were all basically aggressive carnivores except for Zhan Zhao.

But then again, the S.C.I. was a team composed of the elites from the entire police station. There were no senseless people in it. Ma Han understood that there was still a task ahead of him. A dispute with people here may cause trouble, not to mention that Shen Ling was next to him.

However, even though Ma Han could tolerate it, Chen Jiayi beside him couldn't. She sneered and said, "You are so good. You just sat on the ground and were trembling with fear. Now you're fine. Are you just here to bite the hand that feeds you?! Useless. Scoundrel"

"What did you say?!" The man took a few more steps.

Chen Jiayi quickly hid behind Ma Han, then leaned out and continued, "You look like you have nothing to show. What's the matter? Are your legs still weak? Were you scared just now? Coward."

"You" The man's face turned shades of red and green.

Chen Jiayi patted Ma Han and said, "Stuffy gourd ! Don't hesitate! Hit him!"

Glancing at the Chen Jiayi who wished for the whole world to be in chaos, Ma Han suddenly felt that she was a bit like Ma Xin. She seemed to be about the same age. But he shook his head for lack of a better option, "Let's go."

Chen Jiayi saw that Ma Han had a smile on his face, and was quite content to want to follow him back...

"Don't go! Leave your name! We need to investigate!" The man took a few more steps aggressively.

Ma Han halted, then walked back towards him with no expression on his face~~ His steps were not fast nor slow, and undeviating.

Seeing that Ma Han was approaching, and had not yet stopped, the man stepped back subconsciously and said, "You... what do you want..."

Ma Han stood still and stared at him for a while, then smiled slightly, "Look around here, is there a camera?"

............ The man was startled.

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