The Numbers Killer - Chapter 21 Zhao Jue

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The Numbers Killer - Chapter 21 Zhao Jue

When Bao Zheng stopped the car, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were blown away by the sight before them.

They found it hard to believe that they were still in S city, it felt like they were in another country.

It took a nearly 3 hour drive for them to arrive at their destination situated within a desolate valley was a cluster of white buildings.

Surrounded by towering electric fences, the occasional appearance of patrol officers armed with loaded firearms these were all signs that this was no ordinary compound.  

"So? What you think of this place?" Bao Zheng prompted, amused by the reaction of the two clearly stupefied children. 

"My thoughts..." Bai Yutang raised a brow.

"It's like Guantánamo"

"What on earth is this place?" Zhan Zhao asked Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng lit a cigarette and replied, "Special Pathological Phenomena Research Centre."

Bai Yutang laughed, "It sounds all fancy so, is this a medical institution or a military facility? Or perhaps, a prison?"

Bao Zheng glanced at him before answering, "This place houses the brightest lunatics in the country."

"And the person you want us to meet is inside?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"He's called Zhao Jue," Bao Zheng replied lightly and put out his cigarette.

"Let's go."

Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao curiously "For you to not even know of this place aren't you the expert?"

Zhan Zhao continued moving forward quietly, replying in a hushed voice

"They've written to me before, asking for me to join."

"Oh?" Bai Yutang was surprised,

"Then why didn't you join them?"

Zhan Zhao scoffed, "Psychology is the study of people."

"Don't they hold humans in here?"

After a short pause, Zhan Zhao responded grimly "They're materials."

It's plain to see that Bao Zheng visited this place often. Whenever the trio came across the staff of the research centre, clad in white coats, they would greet Bao Zheng. The trio continued walking on.

They passed through a hall to a seemingly neverending hallway. Metal doors open and shut as they walked through, almost as if it was a monster behind those doors and not a person white walls, tiled floor, cool gloomy lighting and frigid atmosphere, as if something else was in the air.

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