1.80 "People Change"

Start from the beginning

Malia "...great hair..."

I bit my lip ".....and a perfect body...."

Malia nodded "you should definitely feel threatened"

Stiles looked at her with a dropped jaw  "Thank you, 'cause i do, now, more than ever"

Malia "want me to torture him?"

I shook my head at her irritated "no!"

Stiles "I have a plan, there are steps to do this right"

His eyes landed on something behind us. 

 I turned around.

Theo smiled and waved at us. 

Stiles "I remember Theo from 4th grade. That's not Theo"

At class.

I walked in AP Biology and sat down two tables behind Kira.

Lydia and Kira looked at me and smiled but it faded when Scott walked in and sat down next to Kira.

My jaw dropped.

I stood up and walked to him, confused  "What are you doing here?"

Scott "waiting for class to start"

Me "Do you know what AP stands for?"

Scott nodded "Advanced Placement"

I nodded impressed and walked back to my seat. 

The teacher came in and started with the class. 

I felt someone sat next to me. 

I caught Theo's scent. 

Me "the seat is taken"

I could feel him smirking.

Theo chuckled.

Me "so, i see you remember who i am"

Theo "No one forgets their first kiss"

I looked at him "What are you doing here?"

Theo asked fake offended  "aren't you happy to see me?"

Me "You are an Omega. I haven't seen you in years and now you came back to Beacon and want to join this pack?"

Theo shook his head "I'm not the bad guy, Cor"

I looked at the teacher. 

Suddenly Theo raised his hand. 

Scott turned to us before raising his hand too. 

The whole class did. 

I raised my hand too, confused. 


The bell rang and i grabbed my bag but Theo held me back by grabbing my wrist.

I turned to him "What now ?"

He asked confused "Why don't you trust me? We know each other since 5th grade"

i shook my head "no, we knew each other In 5th grade and then you left, Theo."

He let go of me "people change, Cor"

I nodded "exactly, people change"

Then i walked out. 

In the boys locker room. 

I leaned next to Scott on the locker. 

Theo "I was skating in the neighbors empty pool. Nobody was home. I'm not a good skateboard and it looked like i completely lost time. I didn't even realized that it was night till the street lights came on. Like i said, i wasn't really good. By my last try i went down and hit hard. Really hard. i was sitting there at the bottom of the pool. But I realized something, i never heard the board came back down. It came at me fast. I barely had a chance to turn around before he bit me. "

He pointed to his waist "right here"

Scott "he wanted to turn you"

Stiles asked confused "So, why aren't you part of his pack then? Why didn't he come back for you?"

Theo "By the time of my first full moon he was dead"

Me "How did you know that?"

Theo " i met a member of his pack, a couple weeks later. He told me that the alpha who killed me was killed by two of his own betas. They were twins"

Ethan and Aiden.

I looked at Scott and Stiles who were obviously thinking the same.

Theo "Scott, Corina, listen to my pulse, i'm telling you the truth"

Stiles" or you know how to steady your heartbeat while you are lying your ass off"

Theo asked confused "Why would i lie?"

Stiles "maybe you are not the one you say you are?"

Theo looked at me "5th grade. "

I raised an eyebrow. 

Theo "It was a full moon, by the cliffs of California. You wanted me to catch you and i wanted a kiss in return. After i caught you, you didn't want to gave me a kiss so i tickled you till you gave in. I asked you to be my girlfriend after the kiss. Corina, i'm the same Theo from 5th grade"

I looked down. 

Then he looked at the boys "and the same from 4th grade"

The bell rang.

Theo grabbed his bag and walked out.

The boys looked at me.

I shrugged, shaking my head. 

At my locker. 

I opened my locker to put my box in.

Someone leaned against the locker next to me. 

I closed my locker and looked at the person. 

Theo "you don't trust me"

I nodded "there you are right"

Theo "i wanna change that"

I asked confused "and how?"

Theo "Tomorrow night"

I asked confused "what's tomorrow night?"

Theo "our date."

I shook my head "nope. I have plans for tomorrow night"

Theo raised an eyebrow "Cancel"

I raised an eyebrow at him before sighing "what do you have in mind?"

Theo "movie night at my place"

I nodded "and you're convinced that that could change my mind on trusting you?"

Theo nodded "Yes"

Me "what makes you so sure?"

Theo "because you are attracted to me"

I chuckled "oh my god"

Theo nodded, amused "i can tell you think i am attractive"

I shook my head, smirking "no no no no no, i think you're the one who thinks i am attractive "

Theo nodded "you're right. I think you are attractive"

My eyes widened and i started to blush. 

Thea smirked "now that we've sorted that out, I'll pick you up tomorrow night"

I nodded "okay"

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