"How does she know what's happening and we don't?" Sandeo yelled behind his retreating form. "And why are we doing a search?"

"Just do what I told you to do, and ask her!" Salvestro insisted, "She knows what's happening!" And the door slammed closed and the attention was all back on me.

"What's happening, Amara?"


"You know, this sounds very unbelievable, right?" Santino drawled, "If it weren't for Salvatore and Salvestro literally running out of the house like they were on fire, I wouldn't have believed a single word you said."

"You seem very calm for what's happening right now." I commented instead, my palms sweaty and my breathing heavy.

All of them shrugged simultaneously. "Eh," Salvino hummed. "We're quite used to it. They'll be fine, they've done this type of stuff before."

"They have?"

"Well, duh." Santino rolled his eyes at me. "This isn't the first time something like this happened. It's the second, actually."

I didn't question him on what the first time was, instead asking another question. "So why did my explanation seem unbelievable?"

"It isn't your explanation that is hard to believe," Sandeo explained. "But more the fact that you know all of this and we don't."

"Then why are you trusting me on this?"

"You ask many questions, have you noticed?" Salvino remarked, giving me a raised brow.

I flushed under his state, my cheeks burning red from embarrassment. "Yeah, I know..." I mumbled.

"It's fine," he chuckled. "But for the answer to your question, we trust you right now because of two reasons."

"Care to share them?" I asked.

"One, we can't ask Salvestro or Salvatore for clarification, and we'd rather overestimate than underestimate the situation. Two, Salvestro told us to trust in your words, and because we trust Salvestro, we're going to trust you. We also know that our older brothers are perfectly capable of handling a few attacks. It's nothing compared to the other things they've done." he replied simply, in a nonchalant manner.

"I could also be lying." I pointed out, and Santino barked out a laugh.

"You? Lying?" he spluttered, trying to hold on his laughter. "Never happening. We'd spot it in two seconds flat."

That hurt.

"You are so cocky." I grumbled in annoyance, throwing a couch pillow at him.

Santino dodged it, making the pillow land on Sandeo's head.

Sandro turned his head to me, a 'seriously?' expression painted on his face.

"Sorry," I mumbled sheepishly, walking over and dragging the pillow off his face. "Wrong person." I added, and Sandeo nodded, now with an evil glint in his eye.

Uh-oh... I did not like that look.

It wasn't even three seconds after I made that statement, a pillow came sailing at my face, throwing my head to the side.

"Owww," I whined, rubbing the sore spot. "What was that for?"

"Nothing," Sandeo shrugged nonchalantly, "Just checking your nonexistent reflexes." he added with a cheeky grin.

"You are mean." I grumbled, and Sandeo had a really offended look on his face.

The twins seemed to like watching the two of us banter, and they each spotted grins of their own. That was until Sandro insulted them.

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