chapter 14

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Before I know it, it's Thursday, and I'm walking across the street to pick up my mom to drive to Felix's childhood home. I decided on a cute sweater dress and boots and see that my mom is wearing jeans and a nice sweater. She made me pick up a bouquet of sunflowers to give to Felix's mom, plus she made sure she could contribute dessert since the Morales' were making us dinner.

Both of us are noticeably nervous. My mom sits in her wheelchair, which I'm thankful for today, so I can help her move around and have her 'carry' all the things we are bringing. Because my mom doesn't just make one dessert... She made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, tiramisu, and a cherry streusel pie. Good Lord.

We must be a sight... I'm pushing her in the wheelchair and I've delicately, in Tetris style, fit the flowers and three desserts on her lap. She can't stop smiling, which makes me smile despite being so nervous. When I first left my apartment, I thought we might be too early, but by the time we go down the elevator, into the car, drive to the Morales house, and get Mom back out and situated... we arrive at the front door about 5 minutes early. I'm only mildly sweating; I feel the security of knowing I have a deodorant stick in my purse.

Before I can even get to the door to knock, the door opens. Mom may have met her match.

"You two look beautiful!! Oh my God, I can't tell you how happy I am that you are here!" Ms. Morales exclaims with open arms. "Matias, come here y ayuda!" She yells back inside the house.

As I push Mom the rest of the way into the house, a frustrated Matias enters the foyer to grab all the desserts and disappears inside the house. Ms. Morales gives him a great side-eye and then captures me in a bear hug. "Sweet girl. I am beyond happy to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"Hi, Ms. Morales... thank you so much for the invite."

"Helene... please call me Ava!" She says as she pulls away and turns to my mom. She bends over to help my mom out of the wheelchair. "Ms. Veritas, those are beautiful flowers. Thank you! Can I help you inside?"

"Call me Gabrielle. And I'm glad you like them. They're my favorite flower... they just brighten everything up, don't you think?!"

I watch Ava take my mom and the flowers inside as Giselle bounds out and collides with me. A small terrier-looking dog follows shortly after and smells my legs and shoes. I crouch down to love on her. She could not be more soft or cute. The name on the colorful collar says: Roxy. I whisper nice to meet you, and I love you quiet enough that Giselle doesn't hear me.

"Hey, chica! I'm so happy you're here!" She grabs my hand and gives me a mini-tour on our way to the kitchen. They're seriously so nice. I didn't know what I was worried about.

Ava set my mom up at the dining room table; I figure they must have decided it was easier than moving her back and forth between seating areas. Not to mention it looks like Matias, whom I have yet to formally meet as Felix's older brother, is taking up the entire couch to sleep using his forearm to cover his eyes. I remember Felix telling me that his brother is having some issues with his girlfriend or ex-wife, so maybe that's why he's in a mood. I'm curious to find out why Felix doesn't seem to have a close relationship with his brother.

Ava and my mom sit as Giselle brings me into the kitchen to meet her dad, who is putting the finishing touches on all of the food. Roxy seems overwhelmed with the two new people and can't decide which one of us to stay with.

"Hi Helene, I'm David; so good to have you here! Do you want any wine? I think Ava already got your mom some."

"Nice to meet you. It smells amazing! And no, I'd rather not. I'm nervous and am driving."

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