chapter 11

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I find myself sitting on a cushy couch beside Calvin in a very loud, beautiful, busy club. We're in the VIP section, which seems like a separate club. I wonder if this is what the second floor of En Fuego feels like. I watch and giggle as the single boys flirt with girls. I see Felix at the bar, waiting to put our order in, occasionally making eye contact. My body comes alive every time he does. I would never have thought I'd be sitting here months ago... the girlfriend of a world-traveling, beautiful sex god. A man who accepts me and my randomness, whom I can have amazing conversations with, and who loves me.

"Communication and honesty are key." Calvin leans over to say, pulling me from my thoughts.

I turn to face him, confused, but then he continues. "My wife wanted me to make sure I encourage your relationship with Felix despite the fact we travel so much."

"Umm... Okay... Thank you."

"Sorry, I know you have some family stuff going on. I just didn't want you to be scared away. Like everyone else, I'm really glad Felix has you."

"Thank you, Calvin, that's really sweet of you and your wife. How does she deal with the long distance?"

"Well, sometimes she comes on the road with us because she only needs an internet connection. She's a software developer. But we talk almost daily... So we keep our bond strong through that.

"Okay... I think we're doing that pretty good. I guess I'm just nervous. I've never done long distance like this."

"You're good together... You'll be alright. Oh, and don't assume the other person is being a dick. Sometimes, we say shit because we're frustrated, but ultimately, we love each other and want to be together. So we give each other the benefit of the doubt, you know?"

"Y'all telling secrets?" Felix says as he walks back over with a drink for each of us.

"Nah, man, I was just giving her some pro tips."

Felix sits beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I cuddle into his side as we continue to talk and drink. He nuzzles his nose in my neck and against my ear before whispering, "I love you." I look at him and smile, but Diego interrupts with a waitress holding a tray full of shots before I can say anything.

"Everyone, grab a shot!! To living our best lives and to kicking ass!"

Shots seem to be the standard going out tradition. Calvin explains they started it years ago. As Felix stands, he pulls me up so we can mingle, but we don't seem to stray far from each other. If I'm not talking to Felix, I find myself talking to the other guys. More shots are going around than there are people, and without keeping track, I notice that I've had at least one shot with each of Felix's friends. Fuck I'm so drunk.

"Baby. I love you so much. Let's dance!" I say as I throw my arms around Felix's neck.

"Helene... How much have you had to drink?"

"Umm..." I say sheepishly but start to tally on my fingers how much I might have had.

Felix laughs... "Let's get you water... Then we'll dance."

He makes me drink a whole bottle of water before we move to the dance floor. He's a good dancer, and we move together well. Which I guess shouldn't surprise me since he's so amazing in bed. I turn in his arms so my back is to his chest. I can feel his bulge hardening as I dance and grind against him. My hands curl around his neck and run through his hair.

"We should do this later without any clothes," I yell in his ear. "We haven't done this yet."

I feel Felix's chest vibrate with laughter. "Okay, sugar. I'd happily fuck you from behind." Even over the music, I hear his voice is so husky... So sexy.

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