28 | beaten a man

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Hyunjin emitted a humorless chuckle. "What do you mean? I'm always like this."

"No, you're not!" Jungkook almost exclaimed.

"Calm down, little brother," Hyunjin advised with a composed tone. "Why are you getting worked up? I'm here to befriend you again. Or should I say, be-brother you again?" He chuckled. "Let's forget the past and start fresh. How about that?"

"I'm not interested in this so-called rekindling of friendship with you," Jungkook scoffed. "Stop being fake, Mr. Jeon Hyunjin."

Hyunjin responded with a knowing smirk.


"Taehyung, come on!" Jimin seized Taehyung's arm, finding him seated with a bored expression.

"Jimin, I told you I don't want to dance. Let go of me," Taehyung grumbled.

"But why?" Jimin whined. "It'll be fun, I swear. Look, it's amazing. Come on!" Omega pointed towards the dance floor where people were energetically dancing.

"Jimin, quit whining like a baby. Besides, you shouldn't dance too. You're pregnant, in case you've forgotten."

"So what? Being pregnant doesn't mean I can't have fun. I'll keep it low-key, just a few moves. I promise to take care of myself. Now, come on!" Jimin demonstrated some restrained hand movements, though Taehyung knew Jimin wouldn't stick to his words when they hit the dance floor. Still, he didn't want to upset him.

Taehyung sighed, "Okay." Omega excitedly jumped, dragging Taehyung toward the lively crowd on the dance floor. Neon lights flashed around them as they navigated through the dancing crowd.

"It's too loud," Taehyung shouted over the music.

"Exactly! It's so fun! Let's dance, Tae," Jimin said with a wide smile, grabbing Taehyung's hand and swaying to the beat. Despite the loud music, Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he watched Jimin dance gracefully, carefree, and happy.

That's one thing Taehyung loved about the Omega – his carefree attitude, living life to the fullest. Watching Jimin lost in the music, Taehyung decided to join him, swaying to the rhythm. Jimin grinned as Taehyung attempted to mimic his moves, resulting in laughter amid the loud music.

Jimin wasn't sure why he could dance so well, but the truth was, he used to be a professional dancer in a bar – a detail obscured by his amnesia.

As the music changed to a more sensual tone, both boys found themselves dancing closer than before. Immersed in the music and mood, they almost forgot their surroundings. Jimin sensually moved his hips to the beat, and Taehyung followed suit, enjoying the moment with a carefree smile on his face.

Omega turned around, pressing his back against Taehyung's chest, their proximity growing tighter amid the expanding crowd. The pulsating energy of the people almost squashing them didn't deter Jimin, whose back remained intimately connected to Taehyung's chest as they moved seamlessly together.

Taehyung was reveling in the moment until...

He sensed Jimin's body provocatively shifting against his clothed crotch.

Taehyung's breath caught as he subtly slowed his movements, observing Jimin sway to the sultry beat of the song echoing through the speakers. Jimin seemed blissfully unaware of the effect he was unintentionally having on Taehyung's senses. Whether deliberate or unconscious, Taehyung realized he was the one vulnerable to the escalating situation.

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