"Miss Stella gave me special instructions to pick you up and take you to the destination of her choosing."

"I'm sorry she has you working on your day off," I sighed, shooting him an apologetic smile, but he shook his head quickly, dismissing my apology.

"It's my pleasure, Miss Faye. Shall we get going?"

I nodded and slipped inside the empty limo before shooting Stella a quick text letting her know I was on my way. I already wished I never left the house, but it was too late to turn back. Maybe this outing would be good for me, mainly to keep my mind off of Nathaniel and the decision he had to make.

Ten minutes into the ride, I noticed we were heading in the opposite direction of Club Phoenix, but I didn't bother questioning Frank in hopes he knew where he was going.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and checked my phone for the fifth time in the span of thirty seconds, wondering why Stella wasn't answering any of my text messages. This night was already beginning to feel like a mistake, but I did my best to push aside all the negative thoughts circling my brain.

"We've arrived," Frank announced thirty minutes later as he pulled alongside the curb before making his way to my side of the door, opening it for me.

I hesitantly stepped out of the limo, feeling a sense of uneasiness wash over me as I eyed the massive Condo building in front of me, wondering what the hell we were doing here instead of Club Phoenix. But before I had a chance to ask, Frank quickly hopped back into the limo and peeled out of the massive parking lot, completely abandoning me at this foreign place.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I pulled my phone out of my purse to call Stella, trying not to panic and desperately hoping this was just some silly misunderstanding, but as soon as I raised the phone to my ear, a large hand came from behind, snatched it from my grasp and wrapped their other arm around my waist, pressing me against their chest.

Terror consumed my body as I opened my mouth to scream bloody murder, but when I recognized the voice in my ear, I instantly relaxed and let out a breath of relief.

"It's just me, amore mio," Nathaniel murmured, spinning me around to face him.

He looked handsome as ever with his dark hair neatly brushed back, wearing an expensive tight-fitting suit with a button-down shirt that perfectly matched the color of my dress.

"You scared the shit out of me," I hissed lowly, locking eyes with him. "What the fuck is going on, and where's Stella?"

"She's not coming; I asked her to bring you here," he mumbled, eyeing my body from head to toe.

"For what?" I questioned nervously, apart of me wondering if I was brought here to be let down nicely.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, love; your hair is different."

"Thank you, I straightened it," I whispered, averting his gaze as heat crept up to my cheeks. "Now, can you tell me why we're here?"

I hated surprises, and he knew that.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he reached down and intertwined our fingers together before leading me inside the condo's lobby, towards elevator doors. "Do you trust me?"


"Anastazi," he paused and turned around, tilting his head to the side, eyebrows raised in amusement. "Do you trust me?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Of course I trust you, Nathaniel."

"Then close your eyes."


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