Chapter 13

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Col gave me directions to the gardens on the grounds. Otherwise the ride was very quiet. It was a short ride like 5 or 10 minutes. We parked the car at the entrance to the gardens, the gate was a medium sized wooded stake fence. It was a light brown in colour and was connected by smaller pieces of the came wood between the stakes. 

There was a smaller flower bed on either side of the gate, the gate its self was rustic and it was also made of the same oaky coloured wood. We got out of the car and headed towards, the gate. The gate is simple and rustic. As we got closer to the gate there was an obvious path beneath the gate, there was an inch and a half under the gate. It was a simple dirt and sand mixed path, it was obvious it required work to maintain the weedless path. 

wordlessly, I watched Col walk up to the gate and carefully opened the gate. He gestured for me to follow behind him. He waited for me to walk up to the gate, he followed in after me. As we walked into the garden he grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes as if to ask him why. he tilted his head but still did not say anything. 

I asked, "why are you holding my hand?"

he counters, "Why did you want to come to the garden?"

, "I asked first."

, "That may be true but, you have to answer first"

, "Fine, I'm in the garden because A)I want to be and B)I like flora and fauna"

, "I'm holding your hand because I want to and I like you. Your great."

I just stay quiet and kept walking.

He sake nervously, "Why do you sit alone at school?"

I replied, "I sit alone because no one wants to be my friend. No one is like me I'm different from everyone else."

He looks puzzled but replies, "Being different is nothing bad. in fact I'm glad not many people are like you, that make you special and being special is a good thing. I'm just sorry that you can not see it that way"

I blush slightly. In hearing what he had to say. In all honesty I did not expect to hear that from him or anyone else. We walked through the gardens hand in hand as we reached the divide in the path. the sign said left was towards the bond and to the right was the fountain. 

Col did not hesitate to take the right path. Looking at the path in front of us, watching the gate disappear from over my shoulder as we reached the destination inscribed on the sign. We walked over to the fountain. The fountain was in the middle of a shallow pool, that was rectangular in shape.  

This walk was fun, but we need something to spice it up. I waited for him to get close. I waited for him to drop his Guard. Waiting for him to get comfortable. Then when I felt he was vulnerable  I moved the quickest I have done ever. I shoved him into the water, not only splashing me in the process but having him pull me in with him. 

I squealed as my body hit the water. Once the shock subsided, I looked into his eyes as he heard me to him and started laughing. It wasn't too long before he joined me. When I finally noticed how close we seemed to be I splashed him in the face then pushed off of him with my feet against his thighs.  I swam away to the side of the pool, I then turned to face the fountain. Trying to see Col but unfortunately, he had disappeared under the surface of the water. and I could not see him.

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