"Get up! Don't ever sleep on my bed ever again!"
I said angrily and she rushed to stand up and leaned her back on the wall like hiding at the corner. Why is she so scared?
She is rubbing her chest with her fist and catches her breath.

"I'm sorry. I— I was just— just looking for you always. Because I'm— I'm so scared and your scent is all I need.
Your scent is all I need when— when I have some attacks lately. It makes me calm som—
Jennie is stuttering and crying.

I came back to my senses.

I walked slowly towards her and she looked down.

I snaked my arm on her waist and held her back.

"Don't— please don't scre— scream at me. I— I promise I won't use your room anymore, Lis. I am sorry."
She is begging but hides her face. I saw her tears falling.

I pulled her closer to me and hugged her so tight.
We didn't speak and I felt my comfort calmed her.

"Lisa, why were you screaming?"
Mom came in and about to scold me again.

"Mom, she was just surprised that I'm here sleeping in her room. You have nothing to worry about."
Jennie was the one who spoke up.

"Did you shout at her, Lisa?"
She asked me.

"I'm sorry."
I said while looking down and sorry.

"I'm okay, Mom. Lisa calmed me."
Jennie said and smiled to my Mom.

"Okay. You two get down now and breakfast is ready. Jennie, I have prepared your medicines already. Don't forget to take those later, okay?"
Mom reminded her.

Over breakfast, I asked permission from my parents if I can take Jennie out to visit her parents and for us to have lunch outside.
They did not allow us.

But Jennie insisted and asked them in a cute way so they agreed.
We're now inside my car driving and we also bought flowers along the road for aunt and uncle.

"I am so proud of you, Lisa. I am so happy that you now reached your dreams."
She sincerely said as I drive.

"Thank you."
I responded coldly.

We arrived at the cemetery. We became too emotional while putting the flowers and lit the candle.

"If only Mom and Dad are alive, maybe I am back to Med school."
She said.

"You want to go back?"
I asked and she nodded.

"If time comes that I will be mentally and emotionally fine, I will look for a job and send myself back to school. I really want to become a Doctor."
She said.

"Why not use your savings?"
I asked.

"Nothing's left. I wired everything I got to your account last month. Thank you so much for paying everything during that time of sorrow. I couldn't think right that time."
She said.

"Jennie, I told you not to pay me. Give me your bank details and I will return it."
I commanded.

She shook her head.

"I cannot even pay you for your fee for handling my parents' case."
She said.

"No need. Don't you ever dare to pay me, Jennie."
I said.

LAW OF ATTRACTION (Author's Reco)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz