VI-Running From Them, Running To You

Start from the beginning

            "Wha - ," her hand flew to her mouth as she saw Wade on the ground and she hurried over.  As she left, Morgan rolled her eyes, flicking an annoyed glance toward me.  My eyebrows narrowed at her reaction, but I now wasn't the time to worry about it.

            Courtney kneeled down on the ground next to me.

            "What happened?"  She demanded with wide eyes.

            "I don't know!"  I said frantically.  "He was just carrying me, and he was being a jerk so I punched him.  And all of the sudden he started freaking out."  I motioned to him rolling in the grass.

            "You punched him?" Courtney lifted a hand over her mouth.  Damn it, that doesn't look good.  "Where?"

            I bit my lip, "In the back?"

            Courtney buried her face in her hands.  "Oh my God, oh my God," she whined.  "Shit this is bad."

            "Why?  What's the matter?"  I insisted in hysterics.  Was he going to be okay?  What's the matter with his back?  My first day here and I'd already managed to seriously injure someone. 

            "Just . . . Just look," Courtney said quietly, scooting closer to Wade.  Hesitantly, I came as well, not sure what I would find.  Blood, gore, gross disfigurement . . . I wasn't sure I wanted to find out.  Courtney slowly reached out to the back of his shirt to bring it up, but the moment her fingers brushed the material, Wade flipped over, facing us.

            "Boo!"  He screamed.  I shrieked, jumping into the air, which caused me to fall backwards.  Flailing, I landed sprawled onto the grass.  Courtney and Wade burst into fits of laughter, clutching their stomachs while shaking on the ground.

            "You . . . should have seen . . . your face," Wade gasped for air.  He brought a big breath of air in and then let it out, slightly composing himself before starting to mimic me in a high falsetto,

            "Wade!  Oh my God!  What happ -," he couldn't finish his act, his laughter starting up again.  I flipped him off, though I doubted he could see me in his current condition.  That bastard.

            "Hey, hey, don't be like that," Wade told me.  Guess he could see me.  Good, serves him right.  I began to stand up, but Wade darted out and grabbed my ankle, causing me to trip and fall back down.  I glared over my shoulder at him, but he just returned it with a million dollar smile.  I bet girls fell to his feet when he let loose that charismatic grin.  I wouldn't blame them; it was one of those smiles that belonged on the red carpet, where a single look could inspire millions of fans fall head over heels in love with the boy.  Too bad I wasn't that type of girl . . . more or less.

            Wade just kept on smiling, probably counting down until my declaration of love for him  and hope that he'd father my children.  Not today, buddy.  It was a slightly depressing thought though, considering how incredibly sexy he looked. 

            Well if not today, tomorrow might work out, I smirked lightly, until I happened to glance down at my shirt.  Over top my tank top, the wet cardigan clung to my body like plaster, showing every groove of my body.  Beneath it though, two very defined patches of pink shone through the white tank.  My jaw dropped and my eyes shot accusingly to Wade,

            "You jerk!"  I shook my foot that he still head, managing to get a good whack to his forehead, hopefully leaving a nice shoeprint to mar his gorgeous face for a little while.  His grip loosened and I wriggled free, fleeing towards the rest of the group beneath the tree.  I crossed my arms in front of my chest, the only thing keeping the entire school from getting a nice look at my bra.  Courtney was still cracking up with Wade, the little traitor, but I spotted Honor sitting near the base of the tree, her head resting on the shoulder of another guy.   

            I shifted my weight between my two feet, after all, I didn't really know her, but she was my best bet.  I coughed to get her attention,

            "Um, Honor?"  She looked up, her eyebrows shooting up as she took in my appearance.  The boy next to her glanced up as well, giving me a fleeting look with his stormy gray eyes.  I tightened my arms around my upper body in an attempt to preserve some dignity.  It was futile however, as he quickly looked away, going back to picking at his lunch.

            "Do you have a jacket or something?"  I whispered.  "My shirt's sort of see through."  Honor bit her lip. 

            "I don't.  I'm sorry."  She looked around, her eyes lighting up when her eyes fell upon a black lump.  She gave a small smile, seeing something I obviously didn't understand.  "Do you really want to piss Wade off?"  She asked.  I nodded, though I was slightly shocked at the language that came from such an innocent looking girl. 

            I looked down at my saturated outfit, and then back at Honor.  "Bring it on," I told her with a smile. 

Eyes followed me down the hallway; open stares from disbelieving boys, and jealous glares from all of the girls.  Is this what the girlfriend's of jocks always feel like?  I wondered.  I wouldn't know how they could stand it.

            'Ryder' was proudly displayed across my back, bright silver shining against the black sweatshirt.  A fierce warrior posed beneath the words 'Morris Football' on the front.  It was such a simple article of clothing to trigger all of the reactions now chasing me down the hall.  Honor had been right, Wade had just about blown his top when he'd seen me wearing his sweatshirt.  I almost had been victim to another water war, but I'd been saved by the bell, and had raced back into the school.  Now as I wandered through the hallway, hoping to chance upon my locker, the consequences of my actions began to bear down on me. 

            I'm not dating Wade!  I wanted to shout out, but I was afraid to give away my position to Wade.  I felt like a secret agent, keeping a low profile to avoid the bad guys.  Of course it wouldn't take a mastermind to find my location though - just follow the incredulous stares.  Wade was a jock though.  He couldn't be that smart.

            The hallway began to clear out as students made their way to class and I swore, knowing I'd never find my locker in time.  Being the genius I am, I'd left all the papers with my information inside of my locker.  This included my schedule, so I had absolutely no idea where to go next.  Courtney helped me find my locker earlier this morning, but without her, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I debated skipping, but I figured I should at least go to all my classes my first day of school.  After that though, I won't have any qualms with ditching.

By the time the warning bell rang, the halls were nearly empty, and I could now make out all of the locker numbers.  Time to find mine . . . I'm pretty sure it ended in a four.  The funny thing with those papers, were they also held my locker number.  My locker combination as well, but thankfully I'd been smart enough to rig my locker door to open without the combination.  Another bell sounded, mocking my tardiness.  I flipped it off and kept searching.

Another five minutes passed before I was able to stand before my locker.  It ended in a five, not four, naturally, but the complimentary duct tape against the chipped red paint gave it away.  Even in such a high-end school I end up with the cheap, old shit.  I must be the only on in this entire school whose locker doesn't gleam with cleanliness, I thought bitterly.  Maybe I was just destined to be dirt poor the rest of my life, my family unknowingly cursed long ago.  Of course it wasn't the state of the locker that pissed me off - it was still better than my last one - but the fact that I always ended up with the raw end of any deal.

            "Screw life," I muttered, before ripping off the silver strip of tape from my locker and pressing it onto my neighbor's shiny door.  I stepped back to admire my handiwork and nodded, even the small victory making me feel better.  Now we're even.

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