L: What happened, Dad?

D: Your brother was up for promotion for a managerial position. One of his co-workers knew about it and maybe he is jealous of your brother and
we just got a call a while ago that Hanbin was beaten up by this guy. Beaten so bad, Lis. They sent us photos of Han but I will not let you see it anymore.  Your brother's right leg —. He can no longer use it anymore. He needs an artificial leg just like your uncle Johan. Hanbin's brain was affected too that led him to temporary blindness.
Lisa, your brother's savings in the bank is enough for his hospital bills. His boss will also file a case against his co-worker who hit him. Lisa, your Mom and I's saving are not even enough to get a plane ticket for Hanbin and his medications when he gets here. Hanbin's roommate, who is now taking care of him at the hospital told us that the Doctor requires him to have a monthly check up. And his medicines are really expensive.
I am really shy to ask help from you, Lis. I know you are building a future with Jennie now but there's no one we can run to.

My tears ran down my face. My hands are shaking and I couldn't talk. I am so worried of my brother. I am afraid of what might happen to him. I am angry inside because he doesn't deserve this.

I told Dad that I will send money right away for my brother's needs and dropped the call.

My fingers are shaking.  I have no choice. All my savings are not even enough for how much we really need.
I sent everything I have in the bank.
And the only money  left for me is the $40 cash in my wallet.

I got startled when Jennie knocked on the car's window. She hugged me tight when she got in and kissed me.

"Hey, are you okay?"
She noticed.

"Ah yeah. I'm fine."
I said.

We went home straight. I tried my best to listen to Jennie's story about her day. I didn't bring her anymore to a date because I only have few bucks left.

I cooked for her at home instead and gave the love letter I wrote for her. I am just lucky that my girlfriend doesn't complain.
Someday I am going to give you everything you deserve, Jen.
I am so sorry. For now, this is all I can.

We celebrated our anniversary by having a charcoal grilled beef patty, my recipe of course, mashed potatoes and salpicao with soft bread for dinner.
I made Jennie her favorite cookies and cream smoothie and opened some chips and we watched a romantic film together while cuddling at the living area.
Then we made love in the tub. I mean, she's only the one who had the satisfaction since I didn't ask for something in return anymore. As much as I want to have sex, I am bothered by the fact that my brother is not in good state right now. I don't want to tell Jennie yet. It's our anniversary and I don't want to make her sad.

We went to bed and told each other our realizations after five years being with together. We shared our new goals in life and we also pointed out some bad habits each one has so we can make a resolution for it and how we can improve. We actually do this every anniversary.


One dawn time, I woke up around four-thirty in the morning and I just felt that I want to be pleasured. I don't know. I want Lisa to fuck me.

I am trying to wake her up by rubbing my nose to her nose and moved my body above her.

"Hmmm? Baby, it's so early. Your class will still start at eight. Can we sleep more?"
Lisa said with her eyes are still closed. I kissed her pouting lips non stop.

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