Although Harry stayed away from me and gave me my much-wanted space after our break up, he threw a huge fit when the news of resignation and moving away reached his ears, it was a job hard done for me to move away from my childhood house and the person I called home, although my parents understood the reason behind it, Anne dismissed the idea entirely, it took a lot of convincing to get me in this city.

I now had my separate cabin, working as a chief editor consumed my time, successfully occupying my thoughts. My colleagues have been polite and friendly, so did my boss.

I missed Harry every moment but I believed he would be alright, moreover, it has been nearly seven months since our breakup, five months since I moved but everything felt like yesterday.

After eight hours of relentlessly working in the office, I mailed the chapters to the publishing department and decided to drive. I stopped by Mc. Donalds and ordered a burger for taking away. After taking the food, I drove straight to my house.

Changing into comfortable PJs after a wash, I ate the burger and walked to the bed. After hours of tossing and turning, I fell into oblivion.

 After hours of tossing and turning, I fell into oblivion

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Aini?" I heard an echo traveling in the dark, disturbing my peaceful loneliness. I looked around to find the source, there was no one.

"Aini? A!" The echo pleaded softly, the voice sounded familiar, a voice I've known forever.

"A, please save me!" I heard it again, recognition drowning inside me.

"Zara? Zara!" I screamed in panic, it was Zara's voice. I searched for her, trying to reach out to the pleas.

I ran ferociously in the dark, a black smoke-like fog clouding my visions, tried to grab something from the dark but there wasn't anything worth trying. The fog cleared and my hand caught a round cool metal, it was a doorknob, I heard echoes coming from the inside.

I twisted the knob, sudden light blinded my vision, the sight was a hospital room, blinding lights, surgical instruments, different types of equipment, and heavy machines.

Zara had her eyes open but she didn't move, I tried to call her to look at me but I was frozen by the door, the scene unraveled like a film. I stared at Zara, she stayed like she couldn't move or neither talk but tears streamed down her cheeks, anguish clear in her orbs, my heart ached for her pain.

I struggled to reach her, desperately trying to move a muscle with no luck. Two doctors and three nurses stood next to her, I recognized the doctor who stood on the left to Zara, he was the one who informed me and Harry about Zara's condition.

One of the nurses handed the unknown doctor an injection and bottle of something, it looked like water, I guessed the scene was the surgery from the accident but what baffled me was the look on Zara's face.

Zara started to whisper, looking straight at me in the eyes,

"Save me A, don't let them inject me," I heard her pleas clearly but the doctors went on as if they didn't know about my intrusion. I tried to move from the place but an invisible power glued me to the ground.

The doctors injected her with the water-like fluid, Zara's eyes drooped and she stopped moving.

The doctors and the nurses vanished from the room, leaving behind the statue Zara on the bed, the invisible power pulled me towards Zara, making me able to move.

I touched Zara's cheeks, it was cold, the color from her cheeks drowned in and she was left pale. I panicked and tapped on her to wake up,

"Zara! Speak something," I pleaded and continued, "Zara, please wake up."

She didn't move neither did she breathe, I placed my hands near her heart and listened to the heartbeat but there wasn't any. Tears streamed down my face and the realization drowned in me.

The hospital lights went off, a hand grabbed my shoulders and Zara's eyes opened wide, her orifices glowed red, anger, revenge, and menace clear in that look.

I tried to back away from her hold, she sat upright and looked me in the eyes, and spoke, "you should have known."

I stared at her in confusion, I didn't know what she was talking about, most importantly I couldn't find my voice to ask her about it, she laughed menacingly at me, the sound paralyzed my senses, fear lacing every part of my body.

"You killed me Aini," she uttered and continued " you should have saved me, I shouldn't have been kil..." She stopped.

A/NWord count - 1289 (excluding A/N)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Word count - 1289 (excluding A/N)

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A Portrait Dream | ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن