Chapter 38- see you later.

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Chlos pov:
"Right so I'm holding you two responsible for this one" brad says to em and Hannah pointing at me sat on the sofa. "Remember she's not allowed to do anything really except from resting until next week" brad reminds them for what seems like the twentieth time.

Four days had past since we had the encounter with the bitch whose name I had learnt to be ashley. Ashely is such a nice name for someone who is such a bitch. I was going out of my mind with not being able to do practically anything, brad was being ever so sweet but he was getting on my nerves slightly. It's only getting on my nerves a little because I can't do anything and am stuck inside twenty four hours, he's so adamant that I need to rest and not do anything. I wasn't even allowed to go out to the shop to buy some Ice cream when we all had a movie night a few days ago.

I'm being silly but I guess I'm just still pissed off and wanting to scream with frustration that I can't go diving, can't go to the trails and can't live my life. Yes it's only momentarily and in the long run im lucky and I know there is thousands of people in a worser position than I am, but it hurts. It really does it. The fact i was almost able to reach out and touch mine and my brothers dream for it only to be snatched away last minute hurts. I feel like there's a pice of my heart that had been torn away, but brad... Brads helped a lot.

He has replaced a different hole in my heart, repairing the broken shape which was in the shape of my ex. Just remembering the mark he stamped on me makes my heart hurt even more but brad is slowly repairing the hole, filling it with his love and adorable curls.

"Right it's time" I get snapped from my thoughts by james voice telling everyone it was time for the boys to hit the road. They had some gigs booked for the next week and would be spending the spare time Inbetween in a recording studio joe had booked them in London. It will be weird with brad and the boys not being around, I'v got so used to spending most of the hours of my day with them. We hadn't been separated for almost a week as we have stayed at Tristan's ever since the 'accident'. It's only a week I'm starting to sound desperate now but I will miss them, although I'm sure the girls and I will find something to keep us occupied, they have already agreed to stay at mine for the week whilst the boys were away until my mum and dad came back in a couple of days. When I FaceTimed them they promised me that they had both booked two weeks off and have rented out a house up in the country for a week, although they had to stay a few days longer on the cases they were doing. There more people I miss, I can't wait for next week though. Me and my family what more could I ask for, away from the distraction of diving and the chaos of my life at the moment.

"Come here chlochlo" james says opening his arms for me to give him a good bye hug "chlochlo? Seriously?" I ask which makes him laugh "just go with it, he smiles" before walking over to the other side of the room to say a final farewell to em .

"Look after yourself , don't go diving whilst brads not around watching you" connor says to me whilst hugging me. I gulp back the tears that begin threatening to fall, the stinging in my nose tells me I need to change the subject or I'm going to end up bawling yet again. "Look after yourself, remember potatoes are not vegetables in any way shape or form of a chip" I smile at him. "God chlo your worse than my mother and Han" he smirks.

"It's not too late if you want to jump into my car and we can run off into the sunset together" tris whispers into my ear whilst lifting me off my feet and spinning me "ha fat chance of that" I laugh playfully hitting his arm once he put me down. "I'll miss you little one" he smiles "little one? Seriously? Chlochlo, now this. Whats next chloboe?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yo chloboe" brad exclaims sneaking up behind me and tris and wrapping his arms around my waist sending shivers up my spine. I turn around a flick him on his nose "ouch" he moans "oops" I giggle until he bopps my nose just how I love him to. "I'm going I can't handle the PDA" tris jokes.

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