Chapter one- on the floor (literally)

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I hate it when your waiting for someone to meet you and your just stood there looking like a right loner, whenever I'm in this situation I grab my phone and pretend to text someone or be doing something, anything on my phone.

I don't know why I just do.
Currently I was waiting for my best friend emily to waddle her way out of Top Shop. I can't stand it in there as there's too many people in the tiny shops.

It does my head in and well Em... well I'm afraid for me whenever she steps foot in that bloody shop she can't come out without alteast 7 bags crammed full! I'm not a girly girl like Em - I like lounging around in my p'js all day and stuffing my face with dominos to be perfectly honest I don't see any reason why you wouldn't!
I was just starting to doze into a stare waiting for Em to Finnish shopping when...

You see it all the time on them cop shows people getting mugged and you discuss it within your friends joking oh "id knock them out" or " just kick them in the balls" but honestly you just freeze, turning to stone, useless motionless, well that's what happened to me. I got knocked to the ground by 2 boys in leather jackets, they wouldn't stop they just kept kicking and kicking, I froze on the ground still in shock then a punch to my face knocked me out onto the floor, I lie there motionless, helpless, vulnerable.

My vision was all blurred,my head was spinning, I was cold laying on the floor, hair fanned on the pavement- someone begins pinching my cheeks squeezing them a little, I lift my head as my eyes slowly started to re-adjust , my first sight was a boy around 17 in a leather jacket.

I practically jump back and scream until he shushed me holding his hands back defensively. Again I scrunched my eyes as they fully adjusted to the light and turn my head seeing the boy leaning over me and a couple of people hovering around just staring.

"you okay?" He asked his voice soft and calming

"what happened" I asked avoiding the question- he slowly stands up and offers me his hand which I accepted - his hands smooth and large compared to my petit hands, I must admit it amused me a little at the sight.

When I was fully stand up he takes has jacket off and wrapped it round my shoulders as he must have noticed me shivering "here" he said I smile a little still completely unaware of what happened when I see Em running towards me carrying alteast 4 top shop bags

"oh my god you face Chlo! What have you done to her you creep" emily shouts standing in the way of me and
mystery boy

" em I don't know " I say a tear falling from my eyes

"hey hey stop that"

She pulls me into a tight hug. The boy coughs a little and we stop the hug and turn around where he puts his hands up defensively

" I know what your thinking but honestly I didn't do anything, me and my band was waking to Starbucks and we saw theses two boys attacking you and well the other boys ran after them and well when I saw you on the floor I rushed to see if you was okay" he says looking straight at me

"I can't trust you, just get away from us you creep" Em yells

" no, no wait calm down" I croaked as I swallowed back a tear as I remember there was two of them, but there was something in mystery boys eyes, something special, something I trusted.

"Where's my bag!" I suddenly shriek panicking waving my arms about thinking somehow it would magically just plop back into my arms

" don't worry about that babe as long as you okay" em said as she flicks bits of gravel out if my hair.

"Hey your shaking" the boy said as he slipped his phone out if his front pocket.

"I'm just shocked" I insist holding onto em's arm as Im all too aware I felt physically sick.

" I don't mean to sound rude but people are staring, you look freezing and well coffee does have caffeine in which is good for shock, as I said before there's a Starbucks where I was heading " the mystery guy says .

Em replies in her cutting voice "how do we know you not a rapist or some pedo"

"you don't" he simply states.

I laugh at this and nod at him "id like that id like that a lot".

----------------------------------A/N first ever chapter, it's really bad I'm sorry I hope to get it to it A bit more!

Chlo is short for chloe.
Emily is often referred to Em just to put a stop to any confusion.

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