Chapter 17 - Tristan bloody Evans

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Brads pov:

Last night was great! We all had this massive pillow fight that lasted about 20 minutes of constant hitting with the pillows! Chlo and I went one on one at one point and I lost but I'm putting that down to her distracting me. I could feel our skin radiating against each other's . Her eyes were twinkling like a star in the sky and her crop top showed her perfectly tanned toned stomach . James and con saved our pride by practically pinning Chloe down whilst con hit her with the pillow. We chilled in the front room watching movies before we all ended up falling asleep at some point during the movie.


I couldn't help but watch the rise and fall of her chest, she looked so peaceful whilst she was sleeping, the way her hair was all ruffled from last night and the paint smudged all across her face.

James had gone out for a run I presume as he does most mornings, Connor and Hannah was all cuddled up still sleeping on one sofa... Wait. CONNOR AND HANANH WAS CUDDLED UP SPOONING. Yes lad. I took a quick photo ready to question him later. What a lad. I had seen em get up and grab her bag heading to the shower after she asked tris where it was, and tris... Who knows where's he's gone.

I watched as her dainty eyelashes started to flutter open revealing the pools of blue. We were both laid on the floor facing one another " morning beautiful" I said whilst stroking a stray pice of hair off her face, she smiled at my touch " morning Simpson" her voice sleepy but happy at the same time, she shut her eyes and snuggled back down into a pillow she was laying on. " Oi am I not interesting enough for you" " you'd be more interesting around lunch time" she grinned " what if I was to tell you it was 12 o'clock?" Her eyes shot open " oh shit really" she giggled.

Chlo sat up and stretched her arm out yawning at the same time, " what times your meeting?" " it was at 11 but joe is running late so he's going to swing by Tristan's house between 2 and 3" " cool" " cool seriously?" I raised my eyebrow at her and we both burst into laughter.


Chlo was tossing and turning trying to get comfy as we had put another episode of the Big Bang Theory on " you alrite there?" " no as a matter of fact I'm not, some cheeky little shit has stolen all the pillows" she smirked " I'm in a band what can I say" I flicked my head back looking ultra camp as I did so. The next thing I new was chlo had rested her head on my chest sighing.

"Brad?" "Chlo?" " your really not a comfy pillow" " I'm sorry to disappoint" I pout " you want some breakfast? I'm hungry" " sure kitchens that way wench" I wink before pointing in the direction of the kitchen. " I'm letting you get away with calling me wench just this once as I'm a nice person now go get everyone and tell them breakfast will be 20 minutes" " feisty I like it" I could tell chlo found it hard not to smirk at that last comment before she walked out of the room, leaving me to gather the animals ;)

Chlos pov:

Pancakes it is then... I was cooking breakfast for everyone as it was almost 1 o'clock and we hadn't eaten since the pizza and snacks Sarah gave us last night. I liked cooking pancakes it was one of the few things I could cook that turned out edible.


" something smells good" tris said as himself and the rest of the gang walked in " yep" I replied popping the p before carrying the two full plates of pancakes to the table where we was all sitting to eat. Blueberry and Greek yogurt for me james and Han and chocolate chip and syrup for the fatties.

" so joe said he'd be here in 30 minutes, so if you girls go have a shower and change whilst we are in our meeting we can all go out later?" James suggested as he wiped his lips finishing his plateful of pancakes " sounds good to me" em beamed and Hannah and I agreed.

" before I go get dressed and before joe comes I think there's a little but of unsettled business between us boys and you girls" brad smirked " oh I do believe you are correct b-man" tris chirped in " b-man seriously?" I ask " shut it cooper" " make me" i regretted the words instantly as tris walked around the table pulled his pants down a little, revealing his bum and letting off the worlds most horrific fart I'v ever smelt " oh my god tristan that's disgusting" I scream jumping out if my chair. The boys all hi-fived and patted tris on the back " I hate you, you know that?" "Love you too babe" he winked.

" go on then whats this unsettled business?" I question. " as you well know us masculine boys whipped your asses last night and we need our prize" tris beamed. " whats the prize then"? Em questioned. " we have discussed and come up with suitable ones for each of you" brad smirked.

" em , you have to do all of my laundry and clean my room before tonight" tris giggled whilst the boys hi-fived " you kidding me?" Groaned em.

" Hannah you have to clean my car" james beamed "'s raining" " better put a coat on then" james sniggered before all four boys turned to me. Oh god.

"Go on get it over and done with" " our dearest chlo, you my friend must clean the whole houses toilets with your toothbrush" tristan spluttered out before having a laughing fit with the rest " I hate you" I scowl " even me?" Brad winked " especially you" I glare back.

" girls I do believe you have jobs to do... Chop chop get going" james said as him and the rest of the boys began walking out of the room to prepare for the meeting with joe. Before tris left the room he passed me my toothbrush " start in the downstairs loo..." Urggg god I hate and love these boys at the same time, but I might aswell have some fun whilst their making me clean their toilets!


I cannot believe the boys have made me do that! Tristan bloody evans.My toothbrush is off straight in the bin the second I'v finished the downstairs toilet! I had to stop myself gagging walking into tris's bathroom noticing the skid marks and pee on the seat! I have an idea how to get revenge of them cocky little gits... I smile knowing this plan would be hilarious if executed right, but first I need to Finnish this toilet so I can get on with it.

I hear sniggering behind me as I literally just finnished, I stood up and turned around to see a grinning bradley " youv actually done that" he said whilst raising an eyebrow " we lost fairs fair, anyway what you doing out of your meeting" I removed the rubber gloves I had been using and motioned to brad to walk out of the small toilet space.

"oh erm it got boring after the exciting part and I just slipped off as I needed to talk to you" " oh do you" shit shit shit what have I done. "erm yeah come with me" brad took my hand and lead me into one of the spare rooms and we sat down facing one another on the bed.

"So yeah, I'm not good with words so hear goes, chlo I like you" " I like you too bradley" I whisper before being cut off " let me Finnish... I like you a lot, more than friends. When I first saw you I couldn't believe how strong and stunning you was and when I got to know you your personality matched that and then when we went on our date I nearly asked you then but I'm not confident around girls you see sooo I chickened out" " brad your blabbering" I giggled " oh sit sorry, but what I'm trying to say is chlo I love spending time with you and talking to you and well...will you be my girlfriend?" BRADLEY FUCKING SIMPSON HAS JUST ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!

"Chlo?" Brad saying this snapped me out of my thoughts " yes, yes I will I thought you'd never ask" I giggled. I'm 99% sure my skin in blushing by now! " oh you thought id never ask" brad smirked " never" I smiled before brad slipped his hand onto my thigh letting me feel the sparks and fireworks shoot all over my skin.

" I thought I'd never do this" I look at brad in a confused state until his hand bushed past my cheek and he tucked a pice of my hair behind my ear, resting his warm hand on my jaw line and began to lean in. I lean forward slightly closing my eyes ready to feel the fireworks ignite once again till " brad you ready to tell theeee.... Oh shit sorry, wait what the fuck" tristan burst into the room before running out screaming " GUYS CHLO AND BRAD WERE SNOGGING ON THE BED IV JUST SEEN THEM WITH MY OWN EYES, MY OWN EYES I TELL YOU"

" oh god" I cringe before brad removed his hand from my cheek and stood up "tristan bloody evans.....we better go tell them the good news then?" He beamed as his said this " and what is the good news then bradley" " your my girlfriend miss cooper" i giggled before he reached out his hand and I took it, we walked hand in hand out if the room and down into the living room.

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