Chapter 5 - texts and tweets

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As soon as Em and Paul were out of sight I walked Into the empty house and slung my shoes into the coat cupboard and dragged my feet up the 3 flights of stairs and into my bedroom putting my phone on charge immediately as it was only on 8% (cri). I had no need to empty my bag as I... I got mugged and they ran off with it,remembering this brought tears once again to my eyes reminding me how vulnerable I was, I ran down the stairs and checked I had locked the door which I had.

When I got back into my room I picked up my phone and rang the bank telling them to cancel all my cards as I didn't want those low life's getting anything from me, they had already took my pride and dignity they deserved nothing else.

Once that was done,I undressed throwing my clothes into my wash basket and picking a fresh pair of pyjamas out of my wardrobe, taking my make up off and scraping my hair back into a messy bun. I put on my fluffy slipper boots grabbed my phone and walked Into the movie room grabbing the remote off the side as I collapsed onto the massive sofa pulling a blanket on-top of me. I grabbed my phone out and loaded twitter and typed a tweet to my 209 followers.

@_chloelcooper_ :
Pyjamas on, Netflix at the ready what to watch?:)

After tweeting it I texted Em asking how the meal was going then locking my phone and turning my attention to the film I had put on Netflix, I had chosen were the millers I had watched it once before at a sleepover at Em's with Hannah but I was so tired as me and Hannah had training that day and fell asleep not even half way though the movie! I got totally engrossed in the movie and found myself laughing too hard at the part were Jennifer Anniston says "it's a big black penis" I'm so childish I know. I went to grab the remote so I could rewind that bit and watch it again as I was still laughing but my hand landed on my phone so I just left it and went on my phone and saw i had a lot if notifications. The first thing I noticed was my modest 209 followers had increased to 498 followers in like what... 40 minutes? Next I scrolled down my mentions and noticed I had a tweet and follow from @thevampsjames.

@thevampsjames :
Defiantly mean girls @_chlojcooper_ ;)

I laughed at this as when we were back in Starbucks and was on the topic of all time favourite films james wouldn't shut up about bloody mean girls! I typed a reply back to him as I noticed my followers had increased to 532 followers and one of them was @thevampstris.

@_chloejcooper_ :
@thevampsjames you stalker! How did you find me! And yes james knows it🙌.

Not even a minute after my tweet james had tweeted back

@thevampsjames :
@_chlojcooper_ saw Em's dads business twitter on the back of his car and looked who he was following;)

@_chloejcooper_ :
@thevampsjames STALKER ALERT!

@thevampsjames :
You know you love me, I know you care ;) are you going to follow me back or what? ;)

@thevampstris :
@thevamspjames @_chlojcooper_ cheese factor!

@_chlojcooper_ :
@thevampsjames I'm with @thevampstris on that! Sorry james;)

And with that I followed both of them and locked my phone placing it onto the dock that was in the room and went back to watching were the millers.


When it was finished it was around 9pm and the sense of hunger started to wash over me, I walked into the kitchen and made myself a cheese,spring onion and ham omelette, I love omelettes it's one of the few things I can actually make without burning the house down! I sat down at the breakfast bar and pulled my white iPhone 5s out of my pocket and face timed my mum and dad they answered almost immediately and we talked for about 2 hours. It was good to talk to them as I missed them an awful lot. I told them about my day and meeting the boys and immediately they told me they was coming home to look after me as they were panicking about me being "mugged". After high levels of persuasion off me I persuaded them to stay in London after promising I was okay and would call them immediately if anything happened or I just wanted them home. We talked for a little longer , before we said our goodbye and i headed up to bed.

By the time I had washed my teeth taken my tablets and got into bed (my den) it was 11.30 and I began to feel sleepy, I snuggled Into my duck feather duvet and turned on my fairy lights, when I was about to place my phone onto the docking station to charge over night when I noticed I had numerous texts.I unlocked it and went onto my imessages I had 7 texts. Oh I'm popular today I thought to myself laughing inwardly at my sad excuse of a joke.




*unknown number* :
Hey it's tris, you told me to text you so you had my number x

*unknown number :
This is Connor and Rexiboy ;) save my number so you don't think I'm some pedo every time I text you :p

* unknown number* :
I don't know about you but I'v watched mean girls tonight;) you put the idea into my head!! James xx

I'm not training in the morning off to Paris for a long weekend with mum dad lottie and josh sorry chick :( xxxxx

*unknown number* :
Just wanted to say I'm sorry if we upset you today when we brought up the "incident". I can see your bottling it up, I'm always here if you need me text me any time day or night! Night beautiful <3 brad xxx

I smiled at this, there was something about brad I don't know what but he made my heart race and a smile appear on my face just at the sound of his name. I replied similar messages to connor, james and tris saying thanks and night. Then texted Em a rather rude joke that's not to be repeated. I texted Hannah next telling her she's a lucky bitch and to enjoy it! Then there was the message to brad I had to reply to:

To brad😊:
Its fine it was always going to be mentioned at some point, I always do bottle it up don't worry about me and thanks for today as well I never really said thanks about being my knight in shining armour😂and awee your making me blush :) xx

And with that text sent I put my phone onto the dock and allowed tiredness to take over.
A/N wow I have wrote loads tonight! Thanks again if you are reading it means a lot, don't forget to comment vote and what ever else it is👍

Remember follow us on instagram @thevamps_fandom_ and our competition winner @_connorbxll

I will post tomorrow as I'm staying at home all night😊

Btw the picture at the top is the fairy lights in Chlo's room with the pictures attached👍

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