Chapter 29 - Drunk?

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Getting into the van was surprisingly easy as henry drove into the venues basement allowing us to all climb in before the doors opened and security guards held back the fans whilst we drove past but as soon as he began to drive through the gap security cleared the girls ran forward braking though the barrier of guards.

James was in the front with henry, em james and con was sat behind in the middle row and brad me and tris was sat in the back. The girls was banging on the windows shouting the chorus of can we dance and even some of them sticking little notes to the vans windows with their twitter names on so the boys could follow them.

I looked around the boys noticing their broad smiles and eyes beaming with excitement. James was even taking an Instagram video of the fans and their excited faces.

All the boys faces was glued to the window that was nearest to them looking out the darkened windows waving to the fans as henry tried to manoeuvre the van out of the path way of the screaming girls but they girls just kept on screaming and coming at the van, the van was physically shaking by the amount of girls trying to get at it. I look down into my lap closing my eyes trying to imagine I wasn't here. God I hate it when lots of people try and get close to you shouting and coming nearer, I glanced at em who had the same expression on her face as I'm sure mine did.

The screams were getting louder and louder, henry hadn't made much progress getting out of the compound so I wrapped myself into a ball knees under my chin trying to block the noise out. It brought back too many memories.... It's not I don't like the fans and want the boys to have them it's just there so judgemental like the girls at school and they make me feel insecure a lot of the time. Nobody except em and Han know how I feel, I just have to keep reminding myself we will get out of the mobb soon.

I felt much safer and more secure as I felt brads head rest on my shoulder and his soft arms wrap round me locking themselves infront of my knees as they was still up on the seat "hey princess, you okay?" He whispered into my ear making sure nobody else could here "princess really?" I giggle "hey that's not fair I'm always trying to be cute and romantic but you just shoot me down" brad pouted "but princess seriously" I laugh even harder until he removes his hands and clamps them over my mouth shutting me up "seriously are you okay though, you looked really scared back there" as by now henry had pulled out of the compound and was driving though the main streets of London to get to the club. "I was" I smile at him looking into his eyes once again "there's no need to be when I'm with you" he smiled at me tensing up his 'muscles' as he calls them.

"Okay brad okay" I giggle shuffling closer to him resting my head on his chest. "seriously though Chlo, tell me next time please"he whispers kissing the top of my head and squeezing my hand he was now holding.

When the car pulled up outside the venue we could see the flashing lights of the paparazzi and the red carpet laid out leading to the entrance of the club. "Okay there's paps be careful, chlo, em just smile and walk with brad and I and you will be fine" james smiled at us. Yet did he know I knew the paparazzi, not well but I knew them and had encounters with them several times over the past few years. I didn't like them. They make rumours up that are absolutely ridiculas which has an impact on you and how your mental state is. Anyway more on that later. As for the red carpet I had been on it a few times at award shows with diving and things but never been the center of attention as we was now.

I think brad could tell I was nervous as he squeezed my hand gently before we all hopped out of the van. We did as james said sticking with the boys and smiling whilst being lead into the club. I kept my head down trying not to get noticed as brad guided me into the entrance his hand resting on my lower back.

"God I hate the paps" james brad and connor practically said at the same time as we entered the club.

"joe has gotten us a VIP booth you go grab it and I'll get the drinks" james said as him and tris went off in the direction of the bar.

I loved the booth you got the atmosphere of the party but had the privacy and space you needed. James came back with drinks for everyone even some for us 'iccle babies' he pointed mocking us that were under 18.

"I'v even bought you drinks, come on you have gotta drink them" james pouted as I refused the shots of vodka he was offering me "I can do without the hangover" I laugh it off. "Fine then" he huffs before giving em my shot. Me brad and connor all decided not to drink but tris and james were getting smashed, encouraging em along the away even though she was underage.


"Come on chloooooooooooooo" em sang into my ear trying to persuade me to get onto the dance floor with her james and tris. "Fine but do not complain to me tomorrow when your dying from a killer headache" I shout over the music to her as she dragged me over to the dance floor.

We danced for ages and I'm kind of glad em persuaded me to join them, Selena and some of her friends joined us and we began a little dance off tris doing the sprinkler and james trying to do the worm but failing and practically kicking me and Selena in the face!

"Here girls here is my number if your ever in LA give me a call and we can hang out. I like you two" our faces must have been a picture as Selena gave us her phone number "same goes to you if your ever in the uk" I smile at her before she walked back off to the dance floor after giving us a hug.

Em tris and james carried on dancing whilst I went to see brad and connor who were still at the booth. "Hey boyfriend" I sang going and sitting on his lap "hey girlfriend" he said whilst bopping my nose making me giggle. "I thought you wasn't drinking?" He asked me with a smirk "I only had a little" I said holding my fingers up about 2cm apart "I can tell" he chuckles before giving me a kiss.

"Erm hello guys, third wheeling here or what?" Connor shouted over the blaring music waving his hand at us. "Sorry" we both blush at the same time. "I'm off to drag them off the dance floor and we can ring henry and get out of here if you want" connor asked smiling at us both "I don't see why not" I smile back as he headed off into the direction of the dance floor.


We was all back at the hotel and was walking up to our rooms james and em now holding hands skipping down the corridors in their drunk state whilst tristan was attempting to play knock and run on the doors of the hotel rooms failing in his drunk mess whilst Connor kept a hold of him and lead him to their room. Brad was giving me a piggy back to my room as even though I had said no alcohol I somehow managed to get persuaded into playing have you ever with Selena and her gang. Basically have you ever is where you sit in a circle and someone says have you ever.... And if you have done what they say you take a shot. Resulting in me taking numerous shots and ending up being a little tipsy or more.

"Braaaaaaadddd" I shout into his ear "yo" he chuckled back jumping slightly so I was back resting securely on his back "selfieeeee" I shout pulling my phone out and talking a cheesy grin selfie of the two of us.

"Are you sure your going to be okay?" Brad askes as we was all heading into our rooms "brad I'm just a little drunk" I smile looking into his brown eyes "okay make sure to clean your teeth" he points his finger at me "yes dad" I laugh "daddy kink. Really chloe Luce cooper?" Brad smiled raising his eyebrow at the same time. "You know what I meant" I scowl hitting him lightly on the chest. "Anyway I better go help con get them drunken messes to bed" he sighs giving me a soft kiss to the forehead. "Okay see you in the morning" I smile talking his hand in mine and giving it a squeeze, he opens his arms and engulfs me into a hug "by the way you look stunning tonight as you do always. I'm one lucky boy" he whispers into my ear before giving me one last peck on the lips and walking next door.

The vamps fanfic - On the floorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz