chapter 12 - promises

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Chlo's pov:

I spent what was left of the day tidying the movie room and the kitchen as brad had tried but failed to clean up all the flour. I hate cleaning but it's got to be done hasn't it? By the time I had finished it was way past 8 o'clock so I decided to face time my parents before it got too late.

*FaceTime to Mamma💖*

Mum answered the FaceTime and we talked for ages. I love my mum I wouldn't know what id do with out her. I told her everything, I miss her a lot when she's gone but I know she enjoys her work. I told her about last night and she was laughing herself after as I told her about the flour attack and the pranks we had played on one another. " chlo I'm really glad that you seem to have a strong group of friends now, as I know it's been hard in the past but remember there not all like that" " I know mum, I'm fine there already like my best friends! Did I tell you they are in a band?" " I know hunny I'm just looking out for you and yes I think you mentioned about eighty-six thousand times!" that's another reason I love my mum she's so protective and caring. There's a stereotype about people in the law industry but my parents are the complete opposite not snobby but down to earth and genuine. My mums my best friend. We talked about nothing much for the next hour until mum mention andy. " andy rang me this morning and told me about him wanting you to take a break because your wondering, are you okay sweetie" " mum I told you I'm fine! I was just shook up and I'm really tired I just needed a break like Hannah did last year" " I'm just checking as your my only child now and I want nothing to be upsetting you as I love you too much! And congratulations on your trial for great Britain! I couldn't believe it when andy told me! Youv been working to get to this point since you was ever so young. Me and your dad are ever so proud you know that don't you?" " mum if fine now, em and the boys have really cheered me up and I know I'v got you and them if I'm not! And I cannot believe it, it feels like he's going to say it was all a big joke when I next see him."

By the time I finished FaceTiming my mum it had just gone 10:00pm so I decided a quick call to my dad wouldn't do no harm. Him and my mum had been called to different parts of the country today as they had a bigger trial in Glasgow for my dad to attend whilst mum stayed in London. I don't know why but I was smiling, my parents always cheered me up.

*FaceTime to pappa👨💖*

Dad answered on my second attempt, he was in his hotel room sat on the toilet! "Oi dad your not having a poo are you" " would it surprise you if I was" see what I mean about my parents not being the typical people In the law industry. We talked for about half an hour until my dad mentioned andy " I got a call from andy today about your trial, congratulations chlo me and your mum are so proud and I know your brother would have been too" I smiled at my dad knowing he meant the best to make me smile but he just shot my mood down like a led balloon. My brother. I bet your wondering why isn't he with me in the house?

Well my brother was called James. James Robert cooper he was 25 and went to Birmingham university,qualified to become a physiotherapist for children as he always wanted to help people who didn't have a good quality of life. He has been a Diver representing great britain for many years until he went to university. On the 23rd of February last year he died. He was driving back home from watching me at a diving competition when a drunk driver hit his car knocking it into the middle of the motorway where a hgv smashed into his car. There was no hope, the hospital said the impact would have caused instant death. That was it, my one and only brother gone in the matter of seconds. I'm going to stop there as I'm getting upset I don't want to constantly remember that. I spent 6 months moping around doing nothing. I missed a trial then as I didn't dive for six months as it reminded me of my brother but andy talked me round and now I see it as i have to succeed to make him proud.

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