Chapter 3- blush

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I felt my cheeks burning, going red but to be honest it was rather funny and in the end I ended up laughing with everyone else but no wear near as loud as tristan, his high pitched squeal comes out again and everybody in the cafe was looking but he was oblivious.

I notice brad joining in the laughter Aswell,although he was a similar shade of red to me.

Eventually when everyone and finally tristan has stopped laughing james spoke " I'm not allowing you to sit on the floor, looks like your going to have to sit on brads knee" I wasn't quite sure if he was joking, he looked deadly serious I looked to the other boys who all nodded in agreement, then to brad who just shrugs.

Still not quite sure I stand up and take two steps to brads chair and look at him again with some hesitation and he simply pulls me onto his lap, first a little shocked but then I just laugh as does brad and everyone else.

I also hearing several comments such as "pulled" "what a lad" coming from the boys. I just blushed even more and sit on brads knee till he squished over to one side off the chair and I slipped off his knee onto the other side.

Brads pov:

Chlo's sat next to me in the chair, I can feel her leg against mine sparks flare at her touch. What am I even thinking about? Yes she's extremely good looking but brad you don't know her! Get over yourself, you haven't known her even an hour.

James stands up and takes everyone's drinks orders and insists on paying even though the girls try to pay for their own but james being james just told them to stop being silly.

Em walks off to help james carry the drinks upstairs, they seem to be hitting it off rather well and I saw the eye contact between them whilst they were sat down, I'll remember to tease him about that later.

They came back carrying 3 drinks each. A caramel macchiato for tris with extra caramel - I don't if all that sugar will be good for him. A salted caramel hot chocolate for con, a caramel frapè for james, a white hot chocolate for em and 2 vanilla spiced hot chocolates for myself and Chloe.

We both smile at each other when we realised we ordered the same drink, her smile enchanting; her perfect straight white glossy teeth sparkling as the light catches the shine... There I am sounding like a perv yet again but honestly this girl was breathtaking.

Chlo's pov:

James bought us all drink which is incredibly kind of him to do so, and we just sit around the table talking, giggling and having really good time.

The convosation comes easy and their's no real awkwardness or tension which is always a positive. I learn all four were in a band called the vamps, they post covers onto youtube and have recently signed to a label so they should be starting to get more gigs and maybe even an EP out there.

James told me and Em the story of how the band was formed and I cant help but notice the beaming smile on his face as he tells us the tale.

Em and I joked around a little grabbing napkins and a pen asking for their autographs before they became famous and we could make a fortune selling them on ebay once they had an album and 1000's of screaming girls after them.

After a while I noticed I still have brads jacket on from earlier just as I'm almost finished with my vanilla spiced hot chocolate (their delicious go try one if you haven't).

I slip it off and hand it back to him saying "thanks" he smiles at me and then everyone stops talking and tristan starts speaking " so chlo I hope you don't mind me asking but what happened earlier? We saw what happend and we ran after them and obviously brad stayed and made sure you was okay. " I gulp back tears having a flash back to them beating me, kicking me,not stopping.

Em must notice as she smiles at me which made me continue "I'm not fully sure, I was just texting waiting for Em and then there was two of them, they wouldn't stop, I begged them to stop but they wouldn't" that's when I can't hold them back anymore the tears come and oh they came.

Brad wraps his arm around me but it doesn't soothe me it makes me flinch - he unwraps his arm looking worried at me but I could still feel them kicking me until Em crouches by my side hugging me tight until the crying stopped, I don't know what I would have done without Em,I think I would have still been crying now if she wasn't with me and to say I had only met the boys today they all look genuinely worried and Tris stands up and shoute group hug which I had no clue what he was on about until 4 body's come crashing at me hugging me from all sides. I then feel Em join in next to James I smile at this. I haven't known them for two hours, yet they made me feel completely at ease. My smile grows as I know my friendship with these four would also grow.

A/N it's made me smile seeing the views and vote even of if it's one as I only started writing this yesterday evening! Thank you for reading.

As I said dyslexic over here so punctuation spelling and grammar isn't my thing so forgive me.

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Hannah xx

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