Chapter 22 - hello bradley

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Me and Hannah got showered and changed in record time as we didn't want the boys to have to wait long. Once showered I changed into my black leggings,baggy white great British diving squad jumper and my blue jack wills body warmer. I looked a mess, and dressed like a tramp but I wasn't expecting to be seeing anyone after training let alone the boys! It didn't help that Hannah managed to look stunning with minimal effort, she too wore black leggings but paired it with a grey Hollister off the shoulder jumper which complimented her collar bone, white converse and had managed to quickly dry her hair so it wasn't dripping wet, unlike mine!

We walked out of the changing rooms together chatting until we turned the corner that lead into the corridor which lead to the cafe/reception area. " you think your ready for trials the...." Hannah stopped mid sentence and stood their gawping which was my exact reaction! I couldn't help but laugh *cough cough* james and em was stood right in the middle of the corridor full on making out! " have we interrupted anything here" i smirk whilst james untangled his fingers from Em's hair and she let go of his arms whilst they separated their mouths. It looked like a pretty heated kiss to me. " you ready then" james coolly asked trying to change the subject, whilst flushing a nice shade of red. "Yep let's go, but don't think we didn't see that" Hannah winked before running off to the reception area.

I walked into the reception trailing behind james and em who resumed chatting with 4 bags over my shoulder! Two of them being mine and the other two being Hannah's as she dropped them whilst gawping at the lovers over there and never picked them up before running off. Hannah seemed to be telling brad Connor and tris what we had just seen as when I got to the group as they was all trying to embarrass james by pinching his cheeks and saying " awee baby mcvey is pulling".

"You ready then?" I ask board of hanging around "yep, where we even off?" Hannah asked " erm I think I'm going to drop chlo and brad off near chlos house and go pick my sister up" tris said " yeah that's the plan and then I'm taking you and em to hers to get ready for your condora action tonight" james winked referring to their date. With that we all began walking toward the exit and car park " here babe let me take them" brad said whilst pulling 3 bags off me " na it's okay" I reply not wanting to make a fuss "what I say goes" " feisty I like" I winked before Hannah and Connor came over each taking one bag off brad which was Hannah's.


" is it okay if I drop you guys off here, instead of going down the road and through the woods?" Tris asked "na it's okay, I'll hop out now" I reply "we" brad corrected "we?" I asked slightly confused " I want to spend some time with my gorgeous girlfriend if that's okay with you?" " yeah right I look like a tramp" I snigger to myself " well I think you look beautiful" brad replied leaning in and kissing my forehead softly. God that boy had some affect on me, shivers ran though my body and I could feel goosebumps on me.

"guys seriously, I need to pick millie up, if your quite done" tris said. We said goodbye to tris and i gave him a hug before we each grabbed a bag and began the short walk home.

We began walking in a comfortable silence up the road which lead to the entrance off the woods, until I felt brads hand brush past my leg and feel for my hand. I looked up to see his face and he as just staring back at me " whaaattt" I laugh disconnecting our hands and covering my face with it. Brad stopped walking turned to me and gently moved my hand away from my face "stop hiding you look beautiful" He said whilst he moved his hand up to my face resting his thumb on my jaw line " brad I have no makeup on" I poked him in the belly whilst saying so " so... Your naturally stunning and you don't need all that paint on your face" he grinned " paint really?" I laugh at his description of makeup " hey I was trying to be cute and give you a compliment but...." " shut up brad, I appreciate it" I giggled " and I hope you appreciate this" his whispers into my ear before moving in slowly coming nearer and nearer untill our lips met. Moving in sync with each other, fitting together like a jigsaw. I was kissing bradley will Simpson, oh my. Butterfly's and sparks flew around in my stomach as we carried on kissing. I dropped the bag off my shoulder dropping it on the floor wrapping my arms around brads neck, he did the same but entwining his hand in my hair whilst his other hand just gently rested on the side of my face.

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