Chapter 31 - plan

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Chlo's pov:

As soon as joe and dean dropped us off we all literally ran from the van into the house dumping out bags and rushing out into the two cars waiting in the drive way.

Connor was fidgeting all the way and I snuggled up to brad glad of the warmth and comfort he brought to me as my mind was racing about the horrible things that could be happening to Hannah. James and Em went in james car following right behind us.

We was all stood In front of Hannah's house looking at the house which now had a sold sign on and the usual swing set in the garden that had been there for as long as I could remember had vanished.

"Do you think there in?" James asks as we all huddled in a circle just out of view of the house "deffo I saw a light on in the main room" em said whilst I nodded in agreement. "Well what are we waiting for?" Connor shouted barging through the circle and took two steps towards the house before being yanked back by james. "Con, look we know you want her out of there as do we but we need a plan. It's not safe other wise" james reasoned with Connor "so your saying it's okay for my girlfriend to be in danger?" He yelled "nooo con he's not saying that at all. Calm down. I have a plan" I said resting my arm on his shoulder trying to calm him down a bit.

"Okay so I'll go and knock on the door and see if there saying Hannah is in, they might let me if she's okay and because I know them I will be able to tell if their lying and we can organising something from there" I said breathing out as 4 pairs of eyes glanced on me.

"No way chlo, I'm not letting you go by yourself" brad said whilst wrapping his em around me protectively. "No brad it's the only way, if you come they definitely won't let me in and are most likely to flip because they hate Hannah with boys" I sigh knowing he had some truth to what he was saying.

"I know but I'm not letting you go in by yourself; one person is enough to be in danger we dont need two" he said gripping me tighter slightly. "I'll go with her" Connor said stepping into he circle slightly "no connor, as chlo said they won't let you anywhere near, I'll go it's the only option" em said letting go of james hand and stepping Into the circle.

I look up at brad to see him toying with the idea "I can see your determined to do this, I don't like it but I understand you need to do it and I can't see another way" brad huffed pecking my cheek softly.

"Right any sign of danger just run, tris will be in a car two doors down with the engine on, run to the car jump in and he will drive off" james instructed us as we looked at one another smiling to give us a bit of confidence.

I gave brad a big long hug before we set off up the driveway he whispered I to my ear "I'm so proud of you being strong,I think you have earned the rest of them kisses" he broke the hug and winked fore we walked up the drive and him con and james ran to the side of the house so they could listen in whilst tris was already sat waiting in a car.

"Just act normal, say something about the trails and costumes" em nodded encouragingly at me as we walked up to the big black door and knocked.


I knocked again but this time I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, and the door swung open to see Hannah's mum and dad their facial expressions unreadable "hello girls" her dad Steve said in a cold flat voice "hello" em said trying to sound cheery "can we help you girls" Pamela Hannah's mum said giving us evils. This is when I chirped in "is Hannah in, I need to talk to her urgently about the trials" I smiled at the pair of them. They had always been so supportive and kind to us both yet they stood there still giving me evils.

Steve sniggered and simply stated "Hannah won't be diving or seeing you two anymore. You can leave now" he glared at us.

"Whattt!" Em shouted. This is when things started to heat up "now listen to me young lady, this is your fault, involving Hannah with diving spending all your time with her being inseparable breaking up our family. Yes chlo this is your fault we welcome you into our family like one of our own and you try and take our darling Hannah away from us. I'm sorry your just too late" Pamela spat at me whilst getting really close to my face. I'm not going to lie she suddenly seemed much taller and intimidating than she actually was but she was wrong it wasn't my fault. "yeah welcomed me into a family that beats there darling daughter" I sneered before Steve raised his hand and slapped me across my face.

"RUN" I heard em shout, I couldn't move, numbed by the pain and shock. Steve my best friends dad had just slapped me after accusing me of being a home wrecker. Before I knew it they dragged me into the house with them and all I could see was em running to the car and and the boys running up get path way to try saving me but the door swung shut in their faces as I got dragged into the living room.


Brads pov:

I couldn't help but feel proud as she stood up to them, until a pang of guilt hit me as Hannah's dad slapped chlo across the face. From 5 meters away I could hear the sting in the slap, she froze and em began running to tris. No please baby don't freeze... I... I love you. I do.

I do love chlo I had been thinking it for a while now, I thought about her constantly and always wanted to be with her, she always brought a smile to my face and we just clicked. But not the time brad.

We ran up the drive way but it was too late, they dragged chlo in slamming the door behind them. I started pummelling the door with my fists and kicking at it. It didn't budge. Hardly making a sound I screamed out in frustration until james pulled me back "not now brad, we will get them back. Lets go find tris and em and make a plan" I didn't want to leave chlo but the sooner we thought of a plan the better right? I could see connor debating wether to leave or not so I persuaded him to come along too, I could see it would be for the better.

"I love you chlo, I'll be back I promise" I turned back and whispered to the house as I was being ushered off the property by james.

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