Chapter 7 - chlo?

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I was so tired! Diving was painful to say the least. We did two hours of circuit training which completely drained me, then one hour of dry land training which is basically all the diving boards minus the water. The pit where the water should be is filled with big blocks of foam instead so you can't Hurt yourself. As Hannah wasn't here I had to do more dives as I wasn't waiting for her to be ready on the boards or waiting for us both to receive our advise from our coach. Three hours after I arrived I had two hours left in the pool which went shockingly bad, the first 40 minutes went okay as I started on the springboards but from when I started on the tower (10m) I didn't do a single dive right tiredness was taking over and on one dive I completely f***** it up and landed on my side during a twist and added to the collection on tender bruises I already had from yesterday's "incident".

I decided to call it a day 30 minutes early after that dive, I ached all over. My coach called to the side as I was walking out of the changing room. Andy has been my coach since the age of 13 and he was like a second dad to me. "Chlo, your mind doesn't seem to be set where it should be, I'm not taking no for an answer but I want you to take 2 weeks off for you to rest up and relax , then when you come back we shall work on some technique and I think within two weeks of that you will be ready for a team GB trial" as andy said this my eyes opened "oh my god andy you being serious?!" I practically shrieked " yes Chloe I'm being deadly serious now get off home and start your rest as you shall be working flat out in the two weeks before your trial, and don't forget I'm always here for you if you need a chat or anything." My smile had turned into a beam by this point "thanks andy I'll see you in two weeks then."

As soon as I got home I put all my sweaty kit into the wash and pulled on one of my dads oversized tshirts that was in the ironing pile, I loved just chilling in tshirts that were massive on me I don't know why, they were just so much more comfy than my own! I quickly made myself a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea before taking it into the beanbag room, plopping down into one of the many beanbags pulling a blanket on top of me and wolfing down my sandwich, I know I said I can't cook but this sandwich was like heaven, I love bacon I mean who wouldn't. Within minutes of me finishing the bacon sandwich I had fallen asleep. I felt as-if I could sleep right through till next week!

Em's pov:
Me and james had been texting all day, I really like james for starters he was drop dead gorgeous, and was taller than me, as I'm like a freakishly tall giant that was rare. Our personalities were so similar and we just seemed to get along great.

Normally I would have had a text off chlo by now asking me to come round to hers as it was an unwritten rule I would go round to chlos on a Thursday, she has training till 1pm on Thursdays then she normally texts me around 4 asking me to come round and we normally just watched DVDs and ordered a takeout. I thought it was weird not to have Hurd anything from her as it was already 5pm but I was texting james so I thought she might have stayed late at the pool or something. Even so I decided to text Han and ask if Chlo had stayed late or something. Whilst waiting for the reply I continued on texting james. God this guy was perfect. Is he real? What am I thinking, I'v not known him for 48 hours yet and I'm already thinking about him 24/7.

It got to 7pm and I still hadn't had a reply of Han so I decided to ring chlo but after ringing 3 times I decided she wasn't going to answer so I rang Han


"Hi Hannah you okay?"

"Yeah I'm great thanks, even though I'v spent too much today!"

"So you havnt been diving today?"

" no I thought chlo might have told you, mum and dad have taken us to Paris for a long weekend. Why is something wrong?"

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