Chapter 6- Midnight Memories

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They wouldn't stop kicking, I brought my hands up to my head curling up into a ball on the street but this time it wasn't just the two of them more and more just kept coming there was atleast 20 of them and they just wouldn't stop "please just stop" I tried to tell them, but that's when I saw another boot come crashing towards my face "noooo" I woke up screaming no. It was a dream. A nightmare. Come on Chlo luce cooper get a grip, it's over and done with now. I couldn't, no matter how much I tried I kept replaying it in my mind over and over again. It wouldn't move from my mind, every move or rain drop i could hear sent my mind crazy and I ended up cowering in the bottom corner of my den with the door leading to my main room shut with all my pillows piled against it for extra safety. I glanced towards my docking station and grabbed my phone off charge and looked at the time it was 03:42am, inwardly I groaned as I knew there was no chance of me sleeping the rest of the night and had only had 4 hours sleep tops. Great.

So I decided to go on to my phone to waste a bit of time before it was a reasonable time to get up, unlocking my phone and checking out my social media, first checking my snapchats then Instagram as I had a private account I looked on my notifications and had 5 follow requests, I smiled when I saw who they were; @thevampstris , @imcalledconnor @bradleywillsimpson @wearethevamps and @iamjamesmcvey I accepted all of them and followed them back. Next I went onto twitter and looked at my notifications and my followers had increased once again this time I had 793 followers including @thevampsbrad and @thevampscon I followed both if them back as soon as I had noticed! Why are people even following me? I'm not interesting, I'm just me, Chloe Luce Cooper 17 years of age. Scrolling through my new followers I noticed they all followed the boys, wow when they said they was in a band I never realised they had such a wide fan base.

Next I went onto my time line and noticed some tweets from @thevampsjames ;

It's 02:13 and I can't sleep and have been up for over 18 hours, what is wrong with me?


I'm considering knocking myself out so I can get some sleep, even if it would have been induced.

I laughed at these, james seemed to be the type of person that's really open and evidently now seeing his tweets. I refreshed the page and saw he sent a tweet 23 seconds ago.


I closed down twitter and opened up my iMessages and typed a message to james.

To james💪💪
What you doing up;) xx

Instantly i got a reply.

1 new message from james💪💪:
Thank god somebody who else is up! Can't sleep thinking about many things, anyway what about you misus?! FaceTime me;) xxx

I hadn't even gone off james messages before I got his reply so I switched my fairy lights on to make it more lighter and pressed the face time button, it rang 3 times and james face filled my screen, I smiled instantly seeing the face he was pulling, he was pulling a face where he had many double chins then zooming in on his eyes saying "Chloe look into my eyes and we can fall in love and run off I to the distance" I laughed at this "james stop messing around, if I was to run off with anyone it wouldn't be you it would be brad" before I knew what I had said it was out there! "Wait...what" I Hurd james practically yell but whisper at the same time as it was still early in the morning. I just smile awkwardly at him, until he starts to talk again "oh my god chloe, you like brad don't you? I thought I saw something between you two and brad wouldn't shut up about you after you left" my eyes opened wider at that sentence "brad wouldn't shut up about me?" I asked james he nodded and giggled slightly "chlo he's once of my best friends I know brad, when he likes someone he's forward with them almost cocky and extremely cheeky I'v seen it with past girlfriends but this is different he wasn't cocky with you he was normal, and he was smiling all the time we was with you or whenever you was mentioned afterwards. He also kept asking me questions about you and well chlo I think he doesn't like you I know he likes you!" I'm blushing by this point and all I want to do is scream I KNOW I LIKE BRAD TOO, but that would have been too much as I tend to go extra a lot of the time. "I don't know james, well I mean look at brad he's not exactly ugly is he then there's me I look a mess I'm not even pretty or skinny and i am useless" I say hiding my face under the duvet. "Hey hey, first of all I'm better looking than brad just to get that straight okay. And woah chlo your stunning. I'm not going into it anymore as it's stilly, you and Em are legit the prettiest girls I'v ever seen! And about you not being skinny look at this" james moved the duvet off him and made his toned stomach look as if he was pregnant. By this point I was having a full on laughing fit till james told me to shhhh as I was being too loud. "Sorry... And thanks, thanks a lot james" I whisper. " I'v done nothing chloe just told the truth and by the way you don't have to whisper but just don't shout!" We stayed talking until 6am about random things from the band to diving to food, favourite colours to pets. When I glanced at the clock I groaned and said to james "look james I'v got to go and pack my bag for diving as it starts at 07:30! Thanks for keeping me company tonight or should I say this morning" "I might Aswell get up and go to the gym as there's no point sleeping now, have a good diving session text me later yeah?" "Yeah of corse, I'm not doing anything after diving I Finnish around 1pm I'll text you" "sounds good and oh wait before you go you never did as why you couldn't sleep?"

The question I had been avoiding through our FaceTime call had just been popped, just as I though I had gotten away with it. I felt as if I could trust james so I told him. "Erm well.... I had a nightmare" I said rather quietly "do you get them alot chlo?" james said sympathetically "no" I admitted "it was of this morning I can still feel them kicking me, hurting me it keeps replaying in my mind and well I don't feel safe so I'v locked myself in my room but still couldn't sleep,and my parents are never in so I just couldn't sleep it's stupid really." James took a moment to take all this infomation in "chlo listen to me, them guys won't hurt you again I promise, your safe and always will be You'v got good friends in Em and that girl Hannah you have been telling me about and you have me and the boys Aswell now! Don't ever hesitate to call any of us if your sacred or just want a chat" this is the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me my smile grew "thanks james, I love you for saying that thank you so much! I'll text you when I'm done later. See you" " see you chlo" he replied before his face faded from my screen. I smiled, I had been smiling an awful lot in the last 24 hours but I honestly felt so good this midnight chat with james has put me into a good mood and I knew my friendship with these boys would grow which I was glad of.

After shovelling down my bowl of cereal and some fruit and drinking my protein blend I went back up to my room and put on a swimming costume under my gym kit as I had 2 hours of gym conditioning, before an hour of dry land skills then finally 2 hours in the pool. I scraped my hair back into a tight bun as when your doing front and back flips a pony tail whips your face, not good. I didn't bother with makeup as it would all wash off as when I got in the pool, I grabbed my gym bag which I had packed before I went down for breakfast, slipped on my gym trainers the new nike theas there super comfy before locking up the house and making my way to training. Normally I would have gotten the bus or walked but I was running a little late and walking up the woods to the main road was rather scary and I wasn't in a good mind frame after yesterday's events so I went in a taxi. Note to self sort out driving test.
A/N sorry for the late update i came home from school and fell asleep! I havnt spell checked either so I'll do that in the morning.

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Don't forgot to comment and like as it really encourages me to write more. Thanks for reading.

Update tomorrow probably at night x

Hannah xxx

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