Chapter 39

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"I never thought id say I'm board of james Lafferty" I moan. "Oh shut up, I'm watching this" Hannah moans gently throwing a cushion at me.

For the last five days all I'v done is been cooped up in my house only going out once to the doctors to get my bandages and dressings off my ribs, which he said was healing nicely and I can start resuming light activities today but nothing too much. The time being cooped up was spent productively watching 8 series of one tree hill, in-between stalking youtube videos of the boys gigs. We haven't really spoke to them much in the five days they have been gone as they have been so busy with their gigs and recording in the studio, a few texts here and there and we FaceTimed as a group on Sunday night but that's about it.

"It's not bad for you, you went out on Friday and Saturday where as I haven't left the house" I moan flicking a pice of popcorn at her. The boys left on Thursday morning and we spent the rest of the day in Starbucks then watching one tree hill back at mine, the girls stayed over but em had a casting for her agency to go to on Friday and Saturday where as Hannah had an interview with some new potential sponsors on those days leaving me at home moping around watching series 2-6 of one tree hill.

"I know, I know don't make me feel more guilty than I already do" Hannah pleas, she still feels responsible for me her dad beating the shit out of me leaving me so I'm not able to do anything for two weeks and diving for 6 months. I know it's not her fault but I can't help but still feel a little envious of her, she can still dive and go to the trials although she's adamant she's taking 6 moths off with me.

"I'm not, sorry it's just I'm so board" I pout stretching out on the floor of the movie room. "About that" em chirps in with her sly grin "what you thinking fletcher" I smile at her. "Welllll" she smiles stretching it out knowing it's annoying us as she's pro longing telling us her idea. "Spill it" Hannah sighs coming and laying on the floor next to me.

"It's not an idea really more of a plan" she says "I'm liking the idea of this" I say sitting up and looking at em who's walking over to join us on the floor. "Yeah so basically your mum texted me asking how you was so I told her you was a little depressed.." "You did what" I gasp.

"Oh come on chlo, you know it's true all you are doing is slouching on the sofa watching shitty series of one tree hill" "hey, you was watching them too" I protest knowing she's right "I'v watched them once chlo, not three times, anyway she's booked us a day away tomorrow" em smiles. "Where?!" Hannah asks shocked. "Doesn't matter, I probably won't be able to do it" I complain lifting my shirt up and revealing the purple bruises coving my ribs. "Oh shut up chlo" em says swatting my hand away letting the soft grey fabric of my top fall back down.

"If you will let me Finnish, your parents have booked us three into the amida spa in Chelsea for the day, for massages facials and everything" em beams and Hannah squeals "amida as in the amida spa" "yes the amida" em chuckles. "But what about my..." I'm about to say ribs but get cut off my em "yes you can go I rang up the hospital and they say it would be good for you, just obviously don't have a massage on your ribs!" She laughs at the obviousness.

I too let out as squeal as all three of us unite into a group hug sprawled on the floor "when do we go?" I ask "tomorrow morning, were going down on the train" em replies "are we staying the night?" Hannah asks obviously thinking of all the stuff she needs to pack "yes, your dads going to text me all the details and stuff tonight" I laugh at how my dad texts hannah and em more than me! "I like how he texts you more than me!" I giggle "well it was a decent surprise wasn't it?" Em asks and I can't say no as how can going to one of the poshest spas in the uk not be a good surprise?


"I'm just heading into topshop" em says tugging on my arm trying to get me and Han to go in, "nope not happening" I say firmly. The hate for that shop has grown ever since I got mugged outside it, although it brought me and brad together.

The vamps fanfic - On the floorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang