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Namji POV:

Hyunjin: why'd you wait so long to tell her? we all knew you fell in love with her within the first 3 months.

I groaned throwing my shot back before placing the empty glass on table top. Me, hyunjin and bangchan were at a bar drinking.

Bangchan had been fairly quite the entire time.

Me: I'm not sure. I was scared. I'm not as affectionate with others but with her...... i want to cuddle and hold hands, i want to hug... i want to kiss. I'm just scared you know. All these years i've been closed off. What if i try to show my affectionate side and it's too much for her? What if i become clingy.

jin nodded.

Hyunjin: well.... i could see that. Maybe just ease into it? You know so that you won't scare her.

bangchan scuffed...

me and jin looked his way. Hyunjin cocked his brow..

Hyunjin: would you like to way in chan? you seem upset.

he rolled his eyes before slamming his hands on the table... no doubt there were a few people looking our way at the sudden sound.

Bangchan: You know i love you like a brother Namji... but gosh it's like ever since you met her your slowly becoming a whimp. I mean for fucks sake. The girl is practically starved of affection, And your scared your going to give her too much due to how long you've gone without it?

my eyes widened.

Bangchan: Stop being a bitch bro! She's a hybrid, she isn't normal. You should be able to see that. You should be taking advantage of that opportunity. You should be happy and feel lucky.

I felt like he had so much more to get off his chest but he huffed and crossed his arms leaning back in his seat. he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

Hyunjin patted his shoulder... Before looking my way.

Hyunjin: Just look at it this way..... Tomio is very special to you right? So why would you let her walk away... into a word of love where she could be potentially hurt. When your right here willing to love her and give her everything she wants and needs? Why let her experience all the pain and hatred the world has to give for someone of her kind? If she really means that much to you.... You'd take the chance. Even if it could lead to rejection or maybe it won't work out in the end. At least you tried with pure intentions.

i rubbed my hand down my face. before looking around the bar. I t was getting late. I hadn't spoken to Tomio since she walked away from me that day.......

I think it's time i go home and have a talk with her.. There were so many things i needed to get off my chest.

nodding i stood up pulling out my wallet i placed money on the table.

Me: Okay, okay. I should go. I'll see you guys later.

I then walked to my car and drove home

Walking into the house i threw my keys on the couch as i jogged down the hallway to her room. I paused and took a few deep breaths at her door. The liquor in my system wasn't making my nerves any better.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, I knew she was here. Her car was in the drive way. I jumped back a bit when her door flew open and her figure appeared in front of me.

𝕗oo𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙 LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora