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Tomio POV:

It was the next morning. me and namji were in the kitchen making lunch together. I still didn't know anything about him, but this was the closest i've ever felt to him. It could be the fact that my heat was making me yern for his presence that i felt so close to him.

But i was gonna enjoy the feeling while it last. One thing i learned over the course of the morning is namji still isn't used to affection. He could play Dom all he wanted and take the lead when it came to making others fall head over their heels and blush. But when i initiated things he got shy.

It made me realize that he was just trying to be nice and lovey dovey for me. It snapped me back into reality. something that this obviously wasn't. Cam had called me this morning checking on me. He told me how namji had called him the other day and what they talked about.

I still wasn't sure how i wanted to repay him for going out his way for me. But one thing i knew was the old intimidating namji would be back the minute the week was over.

i jumped out of my thoughts as he grabbed me pulling me into his chest. 

Namji: whats going on in that head of yours kitten.

i turned around wrapping my arms around his neck. All day i've been trying to give back the affection he gives me and he breaks every time. It's like he wants it but he's too shy. I found it funny kinda

i said nothing but stared into his eyes his face turned red and before i new it i was lifted up into the air. Forcing my legs around his waist he married his face in my neck.

I giggled but held on tightly. He was very tall and i'd hate to be dropped.

Me: put me down now namji, i'll make our plates.

he nodded. 

as i made the plates the doorbell rung. thinking it was one of the guys or cam i told him to answer it. he nodded again walking away to the door. sitting our plates down my ears twitched at the sound of melony's voice.

Oh shit i forgot they would be here today....


i could hear the smile in her voice. god..... sarah was rubbing off on her.

Jogging into the living room i smiled and crashed into a hug.

She played with my ears and coo'd something i'm very used to her greeting me this way. 

Mr.Park hugged me as well. 

i squealed and went to hug my dad when my nose filled with a familiar stench. 

Pulling away from my dad my head snapped in the direction of the scent and sure enough katy was standing there giving namji googly eyes. who was looking down at her with the ugliest mug i've ever seen.

Katy: aww is that anyway to greet your favorite person ever!! come give me a hug.

namji scuffed mushing her head as she leaned in to hug him causing her to fall backwards and onto her butt. she groaned.


she squealed. 

looking over the parks and my dad had made themselves comfortable at our dinner table and was now scarfing down some of the food me and namji had just made.

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