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Tomio POV:

i smiled taking a sip from my champagne glass. 

"i saw your portfolio.... it was really nice, you said you graduated from FIDM?"

i gigled.

I was currently sitting in front of Drake. 

His people had contacted me about being a stylist for him when he has High End events to attend. I was giving the whole run down about how he isn't a big fan of suits and ties. 

so they needed someone who could help him step out to events with outfits that fit the event while also being stylish and comfortable .

Me: yes.... Almost a year ago actually.

he nods.

Drake: oh wow really!? so what have you been doing this whole time. 

he glanced over my attire. I was still in my work clothes, no doubt they screamed fancy.

Me: I've been working next to the head of a company that my family is involved in. It's a great job thats help me save a pretty penny. But it isn't where my heart is. I'll be stepping down from my position in a few months time.

Drake: thats perfect actually, so I'll have my people send over a contract and we'll be in business.

i nodded and we both stood up shaking hands...

then we parted ways..

EEEEEEEEE im soooo excited!!!

Namji POV:

I watched as she left the restaurant. The guy she was seeing....... I've seen him before... Although i'm not quite sure his occupation, however i do know he's pretty popular in America, My country as well for that matter. 

they were in a secluded part of the establish meant. she smiled a lot as well. She doesn't even smile around me...

i started up my car and drove home. What has tomio been up to all this time. 

Finally making it home after taking the long way to clear my head a bit i saw Tomio's car outside.

Hmmm.... maybe i could finally talk to her

walking in i slid off my work shoes and threw my coat onto the couch walking down the hall in the direction of her room... the door was cracked 

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