
529 21 9

Tomio POV:

i rand my hand over my outfit. it's been two days since the gathering. All of my belongings have been successfully moved to the new house. only the things worth taking tho. I wasn't trying to take everything. i needed a place to crash when i visited my dad.

Anyways tonight we were having a dinner here to celebrate everything. tomorrow was the day the vote was held and Thanks to how smoothly everything ran Mr.Park was certain namji was getting the position.

Tonight would also mark the first night I'd be sleeping in this house. Ikr most of things were here already but i was scared to sleep in the same house as namji.... now I'll just have to suck it up. this is what i wanted anyway.... to move out. 

He's just your roommate.

He's just your roommate.

He's just your roommate.

He's just your roommate.

He's just your roommate.

He's just your roommate.

I said to myself over and over again. i heard a chuckle and someone knocking on my open door. i yelp turning around to find Bnagchan staring at me.

Bangchan: Don't think to hard on it, namji won't ever hurt you.

i smiled.

Me: i know i'm just not used to living with anyone other than my dad

Bangchan: Give it some time you'll get used to it soon, plus if he ever bothers you or you feel lonely you could always call me and jin over, i'm sure cam and sarah will be a phone call away as well.

i gasped walking over to him

Me: your staying in America? i thought you were going back to Korea after the votes get passed?

he shook his head petting my head.

Bangchan: Mr.Park offered me and hyunjin positions at the company as well. Between you and me.... i think he wants us to keep an eye on our jiji.

we both laughed.

but stopped when someone cleared their throat.

looking over namji stared between the two of us.

Namji: am i interrupting something?

we both shook our heads holding back our laughs.

Namji: .... well then. dinners ready come on.

we all headed downstairs and sat at the table as melony walked out the kitchen with plates.. i had to admit this house was pretty nice. both pops and namji had great taste.

I peeped namji rolling his eyes when Bangchan snatched the chair beside me before he could. Sarah was already sitting on the other side of me.

i frowned a bit.

hmm?..... whats up with him.

i looked around the room... everyone here was in on the plan. so it wasn't like we needed to be close to each other.... it was just a casual dinner.

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