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Namji's Father: ~Side Story~

(this is IMPORTANT as it frames the main story)

Han-Jae Park......   was a very hard worker. He studied and worked hard for his position in life. After a few good investments and patience, he found himself the owner of a very successful company. He had many associates and business buddies. People really liked him. However that wasn't the same for his son. His son who had grown up speaking both korean and english was also very smart.

Although he had the smarts and the looks just like his father, Namji gave people the cold shoulder. He wasn't approachable. Because of this people were very reluctant to interact with him. 

He grew up his whole life surrounded and smothered, forced to interact with people and attended events of all kinds. Events full of people who worked with and or was friends of his dad. 

He quickly grew annoyed of it all. As he got older he managed to slip away from traditional human contact and surround himself with fewer people. Only keeping his close friends around. He liked it this way.

His father wanted him to be apart of the company but he knew namji wouldn't work well with the people there. Namji was smart enough to be in a position of power, were he interacted with few people.

After several successful expansions Han-Jae decided to expand company grounds. Soon he'd have a building in America. California to be exact. His idea was for his son to take over as the president of the new location. 

However it wasn't that simple.

Even though he owned the company and could ultimately do whatever he wanted, he created a fair system to were the president of each location must be elected at a staff meeting.  There wasn't many restrictions to the position but this one stood out. 

Each candidate needed to be voted in by the company owner AND presidents of other locations who deemed them ready.  He could easily slip his son into the president position and no one who lift a finger about it. However he was afraid it would make people dislike his son more than they already do.

The portion of his company that was being expanded catered more to the family lifestyle. People obviously wouldn't vote for Namji to be in charge. He didn't seem like a friendly person, let alone a family guy. He was closed off an Han-Jae knew he wouldn't get enough votes. 

They wouldn't approve of someone who knew nothing of the family lifestyle to run the location. But Han-Jae knew his son. and he knew his son could do amazing things there if given the opportunity. Maybe moving to America is what Namji needed to help him open up more.

Over all Han-Jae though it would be a good change. He had arranged for his son to be married. Only then would people think namji had a loving and caring sweet side. He honestly didn't see namji being married later in life do to his closed off personality and non affectionate personality.

The thing was...... Namji kept turning down all the candidates. They were running out of time and Namji was being extremely picky. His dad wasn't upset because it is marriage after all however he was annoyed with Namji's lazy form of cooperating. He didn't like the girls his father was picking... yet he wasn't trying to go out and find the perfect one himself.

As Han-Jae was open to him picking his own bride for the occasion.  Han-Jae up one night brain storming..... he realized his old pal Trey had a daughter around namji's age. then he thought to himself. 

"it would be even better if his bride was American... people would really see him fit for the job then. he had an American wife and he was running a family lifestyle location. in America.... he'd obviously know the customs and how to run things smoothly. Not only that but he spoke english very well. Many of the over qualified candidates english wasn't so good."

Namji wouldn't be able to refuse her either be cause they were out of time and she would be the last lic of hope. Even though Han-Jae had never met the young lady he hoped she'd be willing to help them out.

Before he knew it him, his wife and his son was on their way to California. He called up his old friend trey. Very much embarrassed for the ridiculously cringe favor he was going to ask of him once he see's him again. But if there was even the slightest chance this was gonna work.... he'd take it.

***Hopefully thru Han-Jae and Trey's side stories you now understand the background of the "favor"*****

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