High Voltage ~Preview~

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Thanks for reading my book "Foolish Love" Here is a glimpse of my new book "High Voltage" a Im Jaebum fanfic

Mark loaded a bag into the van as bambam handed Jin a sniper. He looked over it checking the scope attachments and silencer making sure everything was up to par.

Jin: good, good. You have rounds?

he asked bam who shrugged

Mark: dude!?

bambam shrugged at them as Jin held a gun with an missing clip.

BamBam: Young-jae just said to make sure i delivered it to him, my job is done. If they weren't with the gun how was i supposed to know where they are?

Jackson hung his head out the drivers seat of the fan

Jackson: whats up?? are we good to go??

he asked getting impatient as a bored jayb sat in the passenger seat cleaning his nails.

Mark: Dude bambam lost the clip

Jackson: WHAT!?

BamBam: noooo noooo!!! i didn't lose anything !? Why can't jin just use a regular gun

Jin starred at bambam as if he was stupid

Mark: Dude!! you know the plan he has to use the tra-

They all turned their attention to Yugyeom who was running up the path

Yugyeom: hey guys sorry im late. just had to make sure i loaded enough rounds

he said waving the Guns ammo clip in his hands that held 10 rounds of tranquilizing sniper ammo.

Jackson: It's fine. come on lets roll out.

everyone nodded hopping into the back of the van as bambam gasped

Bambam: OH!!!??? now its fine but when "bambam lost the clip" it was ooohhhh yo-


the boy jumped into the back of the van shutting the door behind him.

Glimpse #2:

Walking over to the shower i got inside, while walking out i sung to myself lowly. After washing up i got up and dried off. Slipping on under wear and a bra i walked back into the room. Reaching for the bag i left on the bed i stopped when i heard someone clear their throat.

Looking up Jayb was sitting on the couch locking his phone he eyed me and i mugged him

JayB: what are you doing???

Me: what does it look like im doing..... what are YOU doing? creep. watching girls get dressed

he frowned standing up pointing at his chest.

JayB: ME!? your the one who wasn't paying attention to their surroundings. Plus who walks around half naked in someone else's room??

Me: Well how was i supposed to know you were here!?

JayB: Uhh i don't know maybe OPEN YOUR EYES.

I huffed grabbing the bag and stomping back into the bathroom to finish getting dressed.

Glimpse #3:

i kept peeking threw the blinds of my hotel window... I had been In vegas for the past two days. Well.... it had almost been 48 Hours.

I had to plan my moves and take precautions. I already had to fight one of the bounty hunters who were after the price on my head. Which i found out while fighting the guy last night that it had doubled in price. Making me wish i would have stayed with the guys a little longer so i could have gotten 100k instead of 50k.

I huffed moving away from the curtain. It is what it is. 50k was enough to start over in a small town so i couldn't be ungrateful. For the time being i was more than set.

There was another bounty hunter close by... I knew this because he had been tailing me earlier today. I went out to grab food and ended up staying out for a while since i knew he was following me. I didn't want to lead him right back to my hotel room.

Shit these bounty hunters are fast.

Slipping off my hoodie. I made sure both locks on the hotel room door was activated before sliding into bed I had ditched my phone and bought a burner one for the time being. I checked the time.


before turning over and going to sleep. Turning the bed side lap over before laying my head on the soft pillows. I had a flight to catch tomorrow.

all i needed to do was make it on board the plane and i'll be out of this life and its hold for good.


I groaned twisting some of my hair as the curtain closed and the lights turned off.

Me: Dude im bored.... she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary can we just snatch her now and take her back to Young-Jae??

Mark sat down his binoculars

Mark: Nothing out of the ordinary!? dude did you see how she took down that man yesterday?? Plus Young-Jae said 2 days. It hasn't been 48 hours she still has time to slip up. I thought you didn't want her to come back anyway.

i lowered my head knowing mark was right.

Me: yeah but she's literally in a hold different state hiding and fighting for her life, i might not want her back but its obvious she isn't gonna rat to the Kims about our plan to take them down... AND if i can't get my hands dirty then i'm already over it.

Mark sat back nodding. He knew how much JayB likes to fight. If there was no action involved in a mission he'd rather not do it. But this was important to Young-Jae so it was important to mark. So he wasn't gonna let Jayb's shitty attitude ruin the task.

Mark was about to say something but froze staring ahead

"High Voltage " BY: Deepimagines. add it to your library. Just another short story to read while passing time. 

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