⫷ 16 • Parting Time ⫸

Start from the beginning

"Why are you crying?" I asked. He hugged me back.

"I was scared to death..." he bawled on my shoulder. "I thought I won't see you again. Don't *hic* Just don't leave me behind in this world, Jane." He cried his eyes out. I realized how much I mean to him. My tears too begin to make their way out of my eyes. At this point, we don't even care Moriarty brothers were listening.

"It's alright. I won't leave you behind." I rubbed my hand on his back to calm him. 

Suddenly, he pulled out from the hug.

"Promise me you won't get yourself in danger." he said. His eyes were filled with seriousness.

"Yes. I promise.

We smiled at each other with our teary eyes. I looked behind Steve. The three brothers also smiled watching our strong bond. 

Albert and Louis returned to their room. Steve too returned to his room saying he is busy with something.

"You two truly care for each other." William said standing near the door in his room.

"We do. There were times when I lose faith in him but that idiot has his way to win my trust." I laughed at my words.

"I hope your bond remains the same no matter what happens." I saw a painful smile on his face.

Such simple words yet so heavy.

"Thanks" I stared into his scarlet eyes that's comforting me with their warmth. Even though I know about him, I still want to know more. I wanted to stay a bit longer with him.

Just before when I decided to leave, I remembered something Sherlock said the last time I met him.

"William..." I called him.


"I think Sherlock is up to something." I informed him. "That bastard sent a letter to him. However, I believe Sherlock is going against him."

"Is there something more?"

"There is. He said I must wait to see the result. Definitely mean he plotted something."

"I see. It means a lot that you entrusted this information to me. We'll see what can be done." he said.


*Jane's Room*

Today as well, I didn't sleep much and it's morning already. Last night was troublesome. After returning to my room, I changed from my sneaking-out clothes to a dress normal ladies wear. The tight corset is killing me as usual nothing new about it. The heavy fluffy skirt is getting on my nerves more than usual. But looking at myself in the mirror I look elegant as hell, unlike my personality.


"Yes?" I asked wondering who might be here. Steve would have spoken while knocking.

"It's Fred. I want to convey that William and Albert are calling for you in the living room. Steve is also there."

"Alright, I'll be there soon." I replied.

"Okay," he left right after that.

I quickly put my clothes in the wardrobe. It's Sunday so William doesn't have lectures at University. Since the main reason, I came here was to find who that bastard is. Looks like we have to part ways in no time. I've never thought they will help me and even let me and Steve stay here. I won't forget how William fell asleep in front of me. Also meeting Louis after so long was truly heartwarming.

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