Chapter 96 - Icon

Start from the beginning

The icon then proceeded to slam us all down into the ground. It didn't kill any of us, but as I looked up at him, I saw that he was charging up his massive argent death laser at Ahsoka. I couldn't let that hit her, no. The thought of this demon killing her Infront of my eyes set my anger to levels I've never had.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I yelled as I shot an immense beam of lightning at his head. The sound alone was deafening, louder than anything he's done yet, and so loud that I felt glass shatter from miles away.

As the lightning hit his head, the flesh on it exploded, staggering him a lot, giving me time to help Ahsoka.

I lifted her up and sent her to Hayden with the force before continuing my onslaught of the titan. He began to launch meteors at us again which killed so many things, demons, clones, even innocent civilians that were still fleeing the scene were annihilated by it, and he didn't care.

He shot a pentagram at me, forcing me to dash around him before I shot a ballista bolt into his right hand, the only piece he still had armour on. As the bolt hit, his hand's armour shattered, leaving his entire body unarmoured.


I looked over at Sidious and saw him firing lightning at Ahsoka. She only had one lightsaber currently and seemed weak, so I gave her some power.

I channeled my anger in my head before forming the link in our dyad.

Fucking have him.

A smirk made its way onto Ahsoka's face as she dropped her lightsaber and shot blue lightning out of her hands and into Sidious, causing him to stop shooting his own and for Ahsoka to get a massive upper hand.

I wanted to continue watching Ahsoka beat the shit out of Sidious, but the icon was still alive.

He smashed his fist down next to me as Hayden began to shoot immense bolts of pure argent at him, taking huge chunks of his flesh off with every shot.

"Why have you not been attacking this entire time!?" I yelled as I shot a ballista bolt into an oncoming dread knight, killing it.

"I've been doing something more important than you realize." He replied.

"That being?"

"Trying to keep my realm intact." He said.

"Urdak is fucked. The demons have it, it's gone."

"Which is why I've been trying to save it! If the demons have control of it, then they have control of The Holt, meaning they can resurrect any being they wish, even Sidious."

"Shit." I said as I began to shoot the Icon again, seeing how it was currently distracted by the Separatist droid fighters. Even though they were on its side, it was still trying to and succeeding in killing them.

"There is only one being capable of saving Urdak from the Demons, and that is the father." Hayden said.

"So, let me guess. I go get his soul essence, go to the holt and resurrect him?"


I nodded as I began to move towards the icon and shoot it more. It had lost several large chunks of flesh, mainly everything on his torso and his head.

I began to focus his arms as he finally looked back down at me. He began to shoot fire at everything near me, burning a lot of the clones and demons, but barely damaging me.

I shot several ballista bolts into his right shoulder and within not too long, it had no flesh left, so I moved onto his right hand.

My ballista had run out of ammo, and so had my chaingun, so I dashed towards the nearest fodder demon I could, avoiding the archvile fire and revenant rockets on the way, before cutting the imp in two and regaining most of my ammo.

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