Start from the beginning

"you're mom stopped by earlier saying she's gonna come by tomorrow morning" suna told you.

you sat up next to him still slightly on him, you leg was on top of him as well as your arm. you laid your head in his chest and cuddled him a little bit.

"y'know, i get released from the hospital tomorrow" you yawned.

"yea and?"

"i don't know, do you wanna do anything?"

"anything that involves you" he looked down from his phone and smiled.

"ok, so if i said i wanted to have 5 kids a dog drop out of college be a seas man and owe 2 business companies, fuck you again and have another child. go to mars, explore the world, you would agree?"

"yea" he laughed a little

"even if i turned into a worm"

"yea, you'd be the cutest worm" he said and kissed your forehead

"yea ok" you laughed a little.

"i'm not joking i'm in love with you" he said

"i know and so am i" you said and smiled

"but i am down to have 5 kids if it means i can pound into like i did before" he smiled

"yea no, someone already had your dick after me, and you want me to take it back after someone's nasty uncleaned dirty, shit rubbed pussy that was around your dick, back? i think not" you laughed and looked disgusted

"as if, not once have i given her my dick, to be honest after you, i wouldn't even try to fuck someone else it wouldn't be possible, cause i knew i still love you, plus every time we would do something i really didn't want to do it, it was forced" he said

"oh i'm sorry suna, i didn't mean to-" he cut you off with a kiss and pulled away.

you both smiled at each other and cuddled some more.

"y'know maybe i'll take you on that offer of some dick" you said

"gladly, i miss pounding you" he said and kissed your forehead aggressively

"mhm ok" you rolled you're eyes

"what, i do, but i guess you don't miss my big dick" he said

"says who? who said i didn't miss your dick" you scoffed a little

"i mean i just did right now" he said

"never mind maybe i don't want any dick anymore" you said

"w-wait, p-please? take my dick back please, let me pound you again, pleaseeee" he whined and begged

"you're really still that same horny little boy" you laughed

"and what if i am? what's so wrong with me wanting to be sucked off by a girl i love and then pound her for a reward?" he questioned

"nothing, just it's funny how you've never really changed, like right now we aren't toxic but we're perfectly fine, we're still kind of the same people we were back then" you laughed and smiled a little

"yea. you've never really changed as much, you've just gotten more mature and don't act like such a child" he rolled his eyes

"mhm ok" you said "i guess..i could say the same"

you kissed his lips. he kissed you back a little more roughly. you pulled away and got up from your bed. you got up and went to the bathroom, suna followed you and was in the bathroom with you.

"uh...suna? could you?" you said about to use the bathroom

"just go i'm not looking" he said staring at you.

you pulled your underwear down and sat on the toilet to go pee, he just stared at you.

"can i help you wipe?" he said

"no" you laughed

he rolled his eyes and went to wash brush his teeth, you finished doing what you had to do and flushed the toilet, you washed your hands and brushed your teeth as well. you guys got done and played some card games.

"i WIN YOU FUCKER" you threw your cards on the table.

"fine you win" he rolled his eyes and threw his cards in the pile and shuffled again.

you kissed his lips and smiled, the. flipped him off.

"what time?" he said and laughed a little

"fuck off" you rolled your eyes and sat down.




follow for more!!

have an amazing day

- author-chan



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