"MADAM POMFREY!" I shout. She comes in and gasps.
"Dear, what happened here?" she asks. I lay Lily down and Clara does the same. Then we both sprint down the hall, I go outside to the quidditch pitch to find Sirius and then I'll ask him if he's seen Peter while Clara went to find Remus in the library and then she'd go and find Alice in the owlery. 

"Sirius, Sirius!" I say, panting. Immediately, he knew it had somehting to do with James.
"All of you go away, there is no practice today!" Sirius said and started running towards the hospital wing. I catch up with him.
"What happened?"he asked, as we raced towards the hospital wing. 
"I don't know I went to the head dorms but when I got in I saw him and Lily on..." I couldn't finish off the sentence, tears brimmed my eyes.
"Wait, Lilyflower too." he gasps.
We ran into the room and saw both Lily and James laying on the beds unconcious. Sirius ran over to James immediately and kept his head down, I couldn't tell if he was crying or not. I've never seen him like this before. I sit next to Lily and I have no emotion to descibe y emotions. 

Clara's POV:

I ran to the library, knowing Remus would be in there. 
"Remus, Remus, you have to hurry up." I say. 
"What happened." he asks.
"I'll explain on the way!" I grab his hand and tell him what we saw. His face became pale. I was supposed to be getting Alice as well but I really want to know if James and Lily are ok, so I send her a patronus instead. 
When we got there, Sirius was by James' side and Marls by Lily's. I go over to Marlene and hug her, she cries into my shoulder. 
"Madam Pomfrey said, it may take them a week to wake up." Marlene said. 
"It's all my fault." Sirius mumbled, but we heard it.
"No it's not," Remus says immediately.
"How do you know!" Sirius said, "sorry," he mumbled.
"Sirius, this didn't happen because of any of us." Marlene says.
"How do you know." Sirius asked,"If I went with him, then maybe this wouldn't have happened to him." he says, barely audible.
I go over to Sirius and kneel by his side "If you went then it would have happened to you." I tell him. He looks at me and starts crying. I go back and see something."Yes, it happened because of the Slytherins." I tell them, eyeing Lily's top, she was wearing. I see a white blonde strand of hair. The only person with this is Lucius Malfoy. I levitate it with my wand. At that moment, Alice walks in. She goes next to Lily, kneels down and cries.

"Lucius Malfoy!" Sirius growls, he stands up and storms off. Remus holds him back. I look over at Remus, he looks back at me and nods. 
"Just wait Sirius." Remus says.
"Madam Pomfrey, can we please have their wands?" he asks. Without saying anyhting, she hands over the wands.
He gives one to me
"We can see their memory, but we have to use their own wand." Remus tells them, the only problem is, because their unconcious, it may take a bit of their energy, just a little though." Remus tells them, "but this way we can see who attacked them last." he adds. 
"Remeber, not too much Remus, just the last attacker they saw, and that's it." 
"But what if their were more." Sirius said.
"Well they'll have to wait until they wake up." I tell them, "I'm  not looking at anything, they didn't want me to look at!" I say, angrily.
"Well why can't  I do it?" Sirius asks angrily.
"Sirius, I know how much you love James and that's precisely the reason I can't let you do it, knowing you, you will probably try and shoot spells at, whoever it was that hurt James and Lily, and that would change their memory, which is not a good thing." I say, calmly. I look over at Remus.
I looked inside.

 "Sectumsempra." Lily looks behind her in horror as James collapses onto the floor next to me. I look over and saw Snape smirking. That ittle brat! She crouches down, crying. Blood is spilling out everywhere, you can't even see where the cuts are.
"Incendio." I hear, it sounded like Sirius, but when I look behind her to see who it was, it was too late. She screams as the fire hits her. She looked over at James next to her . Then it's just black. 

Jily - MY WORLD, MY LIFE, MY SOULजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें