Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know. sorry but I was freaked out okay! TELL ME WHO MEETS THERE TWIN ON "ACCIDENT" huh who? It wasn't normal haha." He said while picking up my bags. "I'll show you to your room. No one is home because mom and dad are at work, and Greg and everyone are coming over later for dinner. But mom set this up last week."

He opened the door to my room and it was beautiful. All the walls were painted a light lilac color with white trimming. First thing you see when you walk in is the Big fluffy and white queen bed with a duvet cover, with lots of lilac and gray sparkley pillows on it, with a flat screen in front of it mounted on the wall, under that is a cream colored dresser with some things on top of it, they looked like picture frames. Looking past the bed is the Bay window with a bench attached. To the right is a double French door with a little balcony that had a set of two chairs and table that are covered in snow. I walk to the left and see two doors. I open the one on the left first, it reveals a dark room, I flip  alight switch and I see a walk in closet filled with brand new shoes and lots of clothes, along with a table to put jewelry and things on. I quickly run out, eager to see the next room hidden behind the door, its a full bathroom, classic white, huge mirror, and a vanity section for me to do my makeup. I run out and jump into Niall's arms.

"This is the bets Christmas ever." I whisper in his ear.

"You're about two weeks early love!" He chuckled back into my ear.

I stayed holding on to him. I just liked the feeling, knowing I had a brother to hold on to.

"But it wasn't even asked for, nor nessecary. Your mom, sorry OUR mom did this all in a week. Its incredible."

"Well I kinda helped, I know what color you like and clothes and what your living style was, so I thought you deserved it as well did Greg and Dad."

"Aw I love you Niall. Thank You so so SO much."

End of Flashback still kendalls POV:

which isn't present time. This happened the day before Harry figured out at breakfast that she was going on tour. so its a flashback basically. okay.

While laying on my cloud like bed, I smiled to myself thinking about my first day here. it was the first day I REALLY felt like Niall's sister. We became close and had that REAL sibiling bond. Later that night we stayed in his room watching his and my favorite movies while eating a bunch of junk food after we had dinner and I met the family and got to know everyone. Which may I say, there was  A LOT of people. But mom and dad decided to wait until later for me to meet the rest, for obvious reasons of me just meeting a bunch of new people already, they wanted me to start off slow and be comfortable. I cant define nor put in words how much I love them already!

"Knock Knock.." I heard Greg say, He walked in with Niall as well.

"Hey big bro 1 and big bro 2!" I said nodding for them to come in and take a seat.

"Whats the craic?" Greg said.

I turned my head, very confused as to what he was saying...

I shrugged. "Well I dunno, what is the crack?" I replied back seriously

"No babe, its CRAIC. like pronounced cray and ache put together. CRAIC." Greg said correcting me while shaking his head while Niall died of laughter.

"I forgot you were raised an American. Your poor Irish soul is in there somewhere though. We just gotta find it." Greg said pointing to my heart.

"Whats the craic basically means 'Whats up?' or 'Whats going on?'" Niall said after he stopped his fit of laughter on the floor. I don't blame him though, it was pretty funny now I think of it.

"OH okay well then nothing much im just in here thinking. You guys?"

"Awww about what and who? Was it about Harry?" Niall said jumping on my bed next to me.

"Oh god you've fallen for one of his band mates?!" Greg said laughing.

"Well no I wasn't thinking about him, I was earlier though. I miss him... a lot.  and yeah Greg... I guess you could say that." I said smiling and blushing.

"Oh no sis you cant do that." Greg said. Niall quickly agreed and said 

"I don't want him messing with you. Now don't get me wrong he is a great lad and has a heart, but if he has been drinking and he sees a hottie he'll get her and tell her he wants her for the night. I don't want us being on tour while you two are dating and then he hooks up with someone. I'm sorry but I dont want a heart break like that happening to you. After the shit you have been through its the last thing you need." He said it so seriously I didn't even bother for an argument.

"Oh..... Okay.." I said getting upset at the thought Harry would cheat on me, even though we aren't dating, but you get the point.

"I didn't mean to upset you Kendall, I was just letting you know what has happened in the past." Niall said. Him and Gregg noticed how disappointed I was. Gregg has never seen me cry or anything before so I have no idea whats going on through his mind. And I'm kinda embarrassed. He JUST met me and now im crying all over the place. Its almost like he could read my mind when he broke the silence in my room.

Getting up from the chair at my desk and walking over to my bed he stopped. "Mind if I sit down?"

I laughed, "You don't have to ask. Go ahead."

He sat at the foot of the bed while I was sitting criss-cross in front of him, while Niall was on my left sprawled out like it was his own room. I didn't mind though, That's just how he is.

"I know we just met, but I'm just as much as a brother to you as I am to Niall. We haven't known each other your whole life but that's okay. We can make up for it. But know that I am your older brother and I will always be here for you while Niall is out touring the world. Alright?" Greg said while lifting my face up by my chin with his finger. Damn the Horan boys are good at this speech shit.

I nodded and gave him a smile.

"And hey, Maybe that was just his past when he didn't know there was a beautiful girl like you for him out there. Now that he knows there is, maybe he wont be as much as a go getter as he used to be and actually try to make you his girlfriend?" Greg said more of a question than statement but its okay. I knew what he meant.

Maybe he was right, did Harry want to make me his girlfriend though? I wouldn't be able to know for a few weeks, which is when they are all off break, then go back for some promotions, then start the 2013 world tour. There is no way i would be able to make it with out them. The boys have become my life.

With out even thinking about how rude it is to invite myself I asked Niall anyways.

"Can I come on tour with you?"



the next chapter will be starting off as a second half of what just happened.

It will still be a flashback but the second half of the chapter wont be.

Does that make sense?

OKAY im going to finish writing that one


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