Chapter 12 Beach Time till the end of the world

Start from the beginning

User Catn1p: hey Eric, are you having fun? You aren't bad!

Eric: I am! Thank you S0ftb0ll for inviting me to play!

user S0ftb0ll: No problem! Wow... Were your scales always like that?

Eric looks down and he sees his scales are clean and are a vibrant red.

Eric: Wow... I didn't notice my scales clearing up...

User S0ftb0ll: Here, let me add all of us to your contacts. You are really good.

Eric smiles and they then offer him a meal.

Eric: You don't have to do that! 

User Elv3nbread: It's fine! After all we had tons of fun together and besides we fought this really tough raid boss and got a load of gold so we are looking for an excuse to spend it.

Eric is taken to a port restaurant. Eric is amazed as he only been to restaurants on the land before. They were quickly shown a table to stay at. soon the waiter came to get their orders

user Elv3nbread: Can I get shark ribs for all of us?

Waiter: Yes sir. Coming right up.

Eric: Whoa! Isn't that expensive?

User S0ftb0ll: Yeah but it's REALLY good. Sharks are great ingredients.

Soon enough the waiter comes back with Shark ribs for everyone. Eric clasps his hands together and prays.

Eric: Thank you for the food!

Eric starts eating and he right away loves the flavor.

Eric: whoa! This is really good!

User S0ftb0ll: Man you really do have a big appetite for a little guy.

Eric: Yeah... We kobolds are small. Sure we may be weak but it helps us appreciate the small things. I have forgotten that fact and got stressed from all the fighting.

User S0ftb0ll: Can I tell you a secret Eric?

Eric: Um...sure?

User S0ftb0ll: I used to wish that I was really strong and did many PvP battles. I ranked 203 at my best and normal monsters were just too easy for me and the people in PvP weren't fun enough to play against. I made this character to hold myself back a bit and when I did that I found lore in the world that I missed the first time when I powered through adventures rather than enjoy them. Strength is not in stats, weapons, or skills. True strength is in your heart and in your friends.

Eric: True strength is in my heart? I don't understand.

User S0ftb0ll: I'm sure you will find out along the way. If your path seems hopeless remember my words and remember all the friends that got you up to this point. Thanks again for playing with us.

After they ate Eric packs his things and sleeps in a inn. He slept on a nice bed and dosed off. The next morning he went back to his group. 

Coal: Wow... 

Ruby: Now you are shining!

Shawn: The vacation really was a good idea after all.

Ishi: I can see it in your eyes! You had loads of fun!

Deekin: You're so SHINY, like a diamond in the rough!

Eric: Thank you everyone. So what did you find out?

Ishi: You may not believe this... and if you do it's not going to be pretty...

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