Pharaoh- A Little Brighter

Start from the beginning

"Hey there," Walter said.

Agatha kept looking down. She savored the seconds she had left to not talk to him.

"Hey, Agatha?"

Agatha rolled her eyes up off of her phone screen. Walter smiled back down towards her.

"May I sit here?"

"Sit wherever you want," Agatha said.


Walter swiveled around the table and sat across from her. Agatha continued to stare down at her phone.

"Hey," he said, "so, uh, did you watch the game the other day?"

Agatha looked up and nodded.

"How'd it go?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I know we won, but the other guys like to puff up their chests about how they did. Was it close?"

"I don't know. That was my first time watching."

"Ah, fair enough. Guess I'll have to show you sometime. Maybe in Gym."

Agatha sighed under her breath.

"Oh yeah," Walter said, "Thanks for making a fashion trend that's actually good, for once."

"Wasn't my idea," she said quietly.

"Yeah, but either way, thanks."

Sunlight streaming in from the windows up by the ceiling latched on Umbreon Walter's red eyes. With the extra light, Agatha could see a few more of his facial features from his black fur. His fur had a strange sheen to it and was perfectly smooth. His face seemed to light up the more she looked at him.

"Hey," he said. "You've got pretty blues, yourself," he raised his eyebrows, "reminds me of an ex."

Audino Agatha pretended to get distracted by her phone to avoid answering. Walter laughed to himself. She texted Simone "Get him off me.". She wasn't sure what he'd do, but she wanted to eat with some peace and quiet and there was no way Walter was going to shut up.

"Nice earring," Walter commented. "Is your family loaded?"

"Why should I answer that?" she asked.

"Sounds kinda like a yes?" He titled his head.

Agatha was close to mouthing him off. She just parted her lips when she saw Pikachu Simone coming in their direction from behind Walter. His brown leather jacket hung behind his back, attached to his body still by a top button. She fell silent as Walter turned and noticed him.

"Hey, Simone," Walter said. "How'd the match go?"

"Pretty good." Simone walked around to Agatha's side of the table. He waited until he got closer to keep talking. "Was fun. Feels great."

Agatha invisibly sighed in relief as he sat down next to her. He passed her a sandwich wrapped in plastic foil as he sat down.

"I really like mayo on sandwiches for some reason," Simone said. "Just, nowhere else."

"Ranch dressing actually goes well with pretzels for some reason," Agatha said as a smile grew on her face.

Simone smiled back ."I'll put it on the list."

"How was your fight, Simone?" Walter asked.

"Went pretty nice. Won it, and Elijah won his."

"Oh, you won!? Congrats!"

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