Wolfstar ~ Love chain

Start from the beginning

Sirius shook his head before standing up and grabbing his bag. He looked around the room to make sure he didn't forget anything before leaving with James. Remus and Peter had already left since they had lessons during the first period, James and Sirius didn't so they decided to sleep in.

As they went through their second class of the day, Sirius couldn't help but try and figure out who his love chain will connect to. Each love chain's pendant has something to do with their soulmate. Sirius figured his soulmate must like astronomy, night time, or just the moon in general. He prayed it was a boy because he had just recently come to terms with the fact that he's gay. The only person he has told is James, but refused to tell James who he liked in fear of being teased. James wasn't shocked when Sirius came out. Yes he had kissed many girls in their year, but Sirius never acted like he particularly enjoyed it, he acted almost like he was trying to prove he was straight. James saw right through it though. Sirius isn't the only one who has come out to James. In the last month of fifth year, Remus came out as bisexual. Again, only James knows because he's sort of the mum of the group.

Everyone outside of the Marauders thinks Remus is the parent of the group but he's just the most sophisticated one out of all of them, James is the one who gets all overprotective when one of them gets hurt or in trouble, he's the one that wakes them all up in the morning and makes sure they all brush their teeth *cough cough* Peter *cough cough*. He's the one who puts extra food on Sirius' plate when he gets a letter from Walburga and Orion saying how disappointed they are in him. He's the one who let's Remus lean on his and Sirius' shoulders during dinner after a full moon when he's exhausted. He's the one that scares people off who pick on Peter. Most of all, James Potter is the biggest shipper of Sirius and Remus. He would never tell them that though. Well, maybe when they come out and he just goes 'Wow... shocker, I had no idea' with a faux shocked expression on his face. He likes that idea.

At lunch, the four boys were reunited again as they sat down at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Sirius sat next to Peter, opposite Remus and James. They started talking about a new prank they were going to play on Minnie when Remus noticed Sirius' love chain.

"Is that your love chain, Sirius?" Remus asked in the middle of James, Sirius, and Peter conversation.

"O-oh, yeah," Sirius mentally cursed himself for stuttering as he unconsciously twirled the moon pendant in his fingers.

"It looks nice! Good thing it isn't a full moon." Remus joked, only the Marauders understood the joke since no one else knew about Remus' lycanthropy.

The whole time that they were having the conversation about Sirius' love chain, James was eyeing both boys. Trying to figure out this weird tension between them. The conclusion he has decided to stick to is that both boys like each other but are too shy to admit it. As he thought about the topic of the conversation, he physically grinned when he remembered what Sirius' pendant is. His ship is basically confirmed, he thought to himself.

"What's made you so happy?" Sirius asked James as he noticed the giant smirk on his best friend's face.

"Oh nothing," James smirked more, if that was even possible.

He shared a knowing look with Peter who was sitting opposite him. He had told Peter about his ship and Peter agrees that Sirius and Remus are 'literally meant to be' as James says.


A few months later it was March tenth, Remus' seventeenth birthday. He's the second oldest Marauder with James just seventeen days younger than him and Peter being the youngest with his birthday in September.

Remus had gone off to Dumbledore's office to collect his letter and love chain that his parents sent him. On a student's seventeenth birthday, the letters and presents go to the headmasters office for the students to pick up because love chains are very special and you only get one in your whole life so if they get lost then you will never get it back.

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