Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?

Start from the beginning

I decided to stop thinking about all the little details in my life and finally get out of the shower. I grabbed my towel, put it around my waste, and stepped out. Stopping in the mirror I chuckled to myself and looked at my used-to-be-curly hair to now my wet long dangeling hair in my face, then all my tattoos and now strong body. "Gosh you've changed haz...but nice baby tarzan hair as always."

I walked out of the steamy bath room and into my room that is connected to it. I change into my clothes and shake my hair around until its not dripping anymore. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen where the rest of the guys and Rylan were.

"Well its about time you got up." Liam said jokingly with everyone else giving a bit of a laugh in agreement. But I didn't care to argue because it was a passed noon... Eh ive woken later before.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about life in the shower. Sorry if I kept you waiting if you were going somewhere." since we all usually go to breakfast or lunch I felt a little bad.

"No mate its fine! we are just trying to all eat in this week since there is a bunch of food and we don't want to have to throw it all out before we leave for break." Louis said while coming over and patting me on back while I poured a glass of juice and nodding at the idea of eating in.

"What am I going to do without you guys?! You guy have became so close with me and I won't even have Kendal with me considering she will be on tour with you guys-" I cut Rylan off in the middle of her rant once I heard her say Kendall was coming with us for the 2013 world tour.

"KENDALLS GOING ON TOUR WITH US?!" I yelled completely spiting my orange juice all over Zayn's face and on his sand-which he WAS eating for lunch.

"Thanks for that lad... and yes. She is. We all figured you would have been the first to beg Paul... or atleast the first one who she would have told... Is it okay she is? The fact you didn't know and kinda spit on me doesn't seem to good." Zayn said while wiping off his face, and also looking at me concerned.

"NO THIS IS GREAT IM EXTATIC I WANTED HER TO COME ON TOUR WITH US AND I WAS WORRIED I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO SEE HER FOR A YEAR IF SHE DIDNT COME WITH US!! who asked her to come? how did you guys figure out? I cant even decide if I want to be upset that she hasn't tried telling me yet or not because I am just so happy she is coming with us!!  now I can have more time to ask her out and-" I was then cut off by Rylan which frustrated me because I know that was her way of getting me back by interrupting me in my pacing-back-and-fourth-rant.

"You want to ask her out.........?" She said with a surprised tone.

all the other lads were starring at me eager waiting for an answer just as much as Rylan is..

"Well... in all honesty yes, ive been thinking about it for a quite sometime now. She is just so great. and beautiful, nice, funny, understanding, a great cuddeler if I might add, and just so cute. The way she has a little smile when she mumbles in her sleep.... and how she laughs. Our hands fit perfectly together and her eyes are just so.. amazing. I cant get enough of her. and I don't want to lose her just because we go on tour. I mean right now I feel empty when she isn't here and its only been a few days. Can you imagine months? I cant. I cant just let her slip through my finger tips and have her stay here while I'm gone..." I said with teary eyes, thinking about how I would be with out her.

"I don't know if I should give you an Oscar or get my self a bag to throw up in. But the fact you care about her as much as I do... it means a lot. She doesn't have to many people in her life right now, well Niall's family-err um her family-but they haven't been here for 18 years. I have. Not bashing on the family at all, trust me. I'm just saying, I'm the only one who has been in her life for 18 yeas and I'm also they only one in her life that hasn't lied to her. So you could say I haven't met someone who has ever said such nice things about her, and I know you also would take care of her, obviously along with you guys and Niall and the rest of her family." Rylan said gesturing over to the boys while she was now standing in front of me. Her eyes were starting to get wet like mine, threating to shed a tear any moment, again, like mine.

"Sorry to give you some kind of lecture or pep talk. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. My point is that well... Its just good to know I'm not the only one in her life that is watching out for her." Rylan said finishing up sniffeling with a few tears every now and then. i put my hands on her shoulders and gave them a few reassuring  and comforting squeezes.

"You're fine babe, I know you're just watching out for your friend. Well more like your sister. We all promise we wouldn't let a thing happen to her no matter where, when, or what. I wouldn't dare to see her heart broken or upset. I have before and I was sick to my stomach. Which I'm not sure why. But it did. So I know I wont ever let it happen." I said looking at Rylan and around to the boys.

"Yeah we wouldn't either. And like Harry said, we all promise!" Liam said rubbing Rylans back while they Zayn and Louis nodded in agreement.

"I just wanted to make all of that clear incase I didn't go on tour with you..." She said looking upset again at the fact of us leaving.

"Love, you're coming on tour with us to. We wouldn't make Kendall come alone with 5 boys! and you're her other half. Plus Niall would get lonely too." Louis said winking to Rylan during his last sentence.

"OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you so much! and Lou, enough about me! Lets get back to Harry." Rylan said turning around back to face me with the guys looking just as confused as I am.

"I know why you felt sick to your stomach Harry..." She said with a smirk looking just like the others now as well.

"You're in love with Kendall."

I felt red and hot, my eyes starring straight into Rylan's while I went into a deep thought. I knew I really liked her and I wanted to ask her out. But I never thought about "Love".

Maybe I did love Kendall?

"Um... Love is a strong word..." I managed to get out. Its not that I don't want to love her, it's just now that I'm getting older and more mature when it comes to dating, Love really is a strong word.

"Ah mate cut the shit. You guys sleep in the same bed and spoon every night, you guys eat each others faces and cuddle every chance you get and you let her wear your clothes all the time AND you cook for her a lot too. Plus, think about all the things you just said about her. You ARE in love with her. You just haven't come to realize it yet." Louis said seriously.

"Yeah, and I think she might love you too." Rylan said.

I thought about all of the things Louis said, and then back to what I said, and then how Rylan appreciated how much I care about her. I wouldn't have been "sick to my stomach " if I didn't care about her, nor if I didn't LOVE her.

"Oh my gosh... I. Love. Kendall."




I kinda just wrote it as I went. Well I do that with all my chapters, except I usually have a main idea for how I want them to go. I just knew that when I wrote this one, that I wanted something  to be confessed. WELL WOO HARRY CONFESSED HE LOVED HER AND HE WILL ASK HER OUT

i don't think this is to much of a filler because many things happened.

-Kendall met her family with Niall

-Harry said he wanted to ask Kendall out

-Kendall and Rylan are going on tour with the boys

-Rylan feels more comfortable now that its not just her that is watching after Kendall

-Harry described how he felt

and you kinda got to know what kind of relationship harry and kendall have when lou went on about the stuff they do together, which idk about you guys but i always love know all the cute little details so yeah.


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