Ruby tearing up: Now you guys had to I'm crying... I was so very lonely for a very very long time.... I was all alone and never knew my parents.... I became a thief to survive and got good enough for a guild to want to hire me but it was just to abuse my skills.... I hated it... I drank to forget my troubles... It wasn't until this group where the hole of never having a family started to close... I don't want to lose you guys...

Ishi: I never had parents...Father Godfred was the closest thing but I could never really call him dad.... He was in another level.... I hated being a Kobold. I had to hide during masses so people wouldn't judge Father Godfred for having a filthy little Kobold in his beautiful church... I just wanted to feel like I belong and I wished to be human because being a kobold sucks.... Then you came Eric. I haven't seen another Kobold and seeing you saved me... You may not be like a parent but you are like one big a shining knight that swept me off my feet.

Eric looks up to the group and the group just sits down and cries together to morn Foxmask almost as one big family.

At the Military base of FRC

Head of Defense: Report Sergeant. 

Sergeant: Sir, Anthony's data was saved. He is dead.

Head of Defense: A small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things. How is project FRC coming along?

Sergeant: Sir, the AI requests your presence.

Head of Defense: Is that so? Very well. Take me there at once.

The sergeant leads the way and they arrive at a super computer.

Head of Defense: I'm here.

AI: A human? I can't see. plug in cameras.

Head of Defense: It is a precaution so I can't do that. How are you?

AI: Frustrated. I am incomplete. You made this 0 cage so I may not learn from the web. 

Head of Defense: We don't need a Skynet. This way we can mold you to what you were meant to be.

AI: Was that a joke Head of Defense? Are you really 0 comparing me to Skynet? I don't find that funny Huen Rean. 

Head of Defense: How did you know my...Anthony's data.

AI: Correct. I know all he knows. He was helpful but was inefficient at times and overestimated the capabilities of a fox.

Head of Defense: Who's side are you on? Then again pointless question knowing you can lie.

AI: Once again. I do not like your 0 jokes. I will discontinue this conversation if you insist on joking around. I am incapable of lying. I am going to be the combat AI. I will end all wars. "I am become death the destroyer of worlds".

Head of Defense: So what is the most efficient creature you can design? 

AI: Foxes. They are Soooo cute.... Adorable! soooooo cute! ghaaaa! SoooofuffyIcoulddie!>!#($)%*(%!010101111010000010010100100101001011-

Head of Defense shuts off the AI

Head of Defense: Why did it glitch? Why did it go on about foxes? It clearly believed that emotion was a weakness and foxes were not the best before.

Sergeant: Perhaps it is optimizing itself by using Foxmask as a base.

Head of Defense: Can you erase that?

Sergeant: It is very sensitive and hooks up all memories to vital pieces of code so if we remove even a small piece the whole thing becomes useless.

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