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[Find The Best Club Challenge]


"YES!" NaRi yelled out from beside Jake, awfully excited for this show. the boys chuckled a bit, "we gotta decide what clubs to join today."

"well, i'm quite interested in the MC-ing club!" NaRi yelled out, the fake enthusiasm showing through her expressions way too clearly. she looked at the producers, an expectant look on her face. "was that convincing enough?"

they didn't get a chance to answer, though, as TXT were now walking into the stage. NaRi's head whipped to the side, eyebrows furrowing up. "BOOOOOOOOOO!" she yelled out, making her members laugh aloud.

"hello, freshmen! and.. NaRi.."

she gave a teasing scoff, quickly replacing it with a soft smile towards the older boys. she cheered along with her fellow freshmen, excited to see what they'd be asked to do.

NaRi watched intently as HueningKai was asked to make up an acrostic poem, becoming even more intrigued when Taehyun volunteered to do one himself.

"Tesla, i'd rather choose,"

her eyes widened upon hearing this, the roar of laughter becoming too hard to hold back. she clapped loudly for Taehyun, making the blonde send a cheeky wink to the younger girl.

she watched closely as her seat-mates created their acrostic poems, laughing after each one. Beomgyu and Taehyun then shifted their eyes towards the girl, causing her to slightly flinch.

"hey, hey, hey... they already told me im MCing, do i really have to do it?" she slightly whined, a pleading expression in her face.

the boys all laughed, Taehyun putting his hand to his chin as if he was thinking. "hm... sure."

hearing that simple word made her the HAPPIEST person on Earth, ultimately making her jump out of her chair to give the two a hug.

she cheered loudly to JungWon's poem, a light 'WOOOO' escaping her lips. we gotta let them know we're good

she looked expectedly towards her fellow maknae, another loud wave of laughter erupting from her mouth after hearing Ni-Ki's awfully simple, but clever, poem.

"is good-looking."

the camera suddenly panned to NaRi, an over- exaggerated yawn escaping her lips. she then sent a loud "BOOOOOO" to the boy, making him hold up his balled fist, as if going to punch her. she did the same, a 'threatening' look on her face.

"i think all eight of you seem to be talented in art, so you're all worthy to join the art club."

"anyone want to join the art club with members of the best visuals?"

NaRi looked around, slowly raising her hand.

Jake caught sight of this at the same time SungHoon did, both pointing accusing fingers towards the girl. "YOU JUST SAID YOU'RE NOT JOINING THESE CLUBS?!" "MOON YOU'RE NOT DOING THIS!"

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now