Chapter 30 (Bonus Chapter)

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8 months later

Angel is 12, Nathen is 6, Madelyn is 3, and Alivia is 1


    "Mommy, Daddy! Wake up!" Nathen and Madelyn yelled jumping on the bed, as Alivia cried in the background of their screaming. Me and Duke chuckled at our family, as we sat up. "Happy valentines, or whatever." Nathen said ploppind down between me and Duke, Madelyn sat on Nathen lap. "Your heavy Mad's!" He exclaimed, pushing her off of him, She sat on Dukes lap instead sticking her tongue out at Nathen.

I looked at then both as they was covered in flour. "Why are the both of you covered in flour?" I asked, then looking at our bedding which was also covered with flour.

They shrugged, and Angel walked in also covered in flour with Alivia. "Your children, won't stop messing with stuff." Angel said placing Alivia on our bed, and she waddled over to Duke. "Stay in here until, I give you both premission to come out." She added.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"You heard me, Loser." She said and closed the door, she's lucky I love her.

"Duke, you watch them, Imma shower." I stated, and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a my cloths and headed to the bathroom.


It been about an Hour since I was in the bathroom leaving Duke in the room with 3 kids, even though he came in once to use the bathroom and brush his teeth.

I came out the bathroom a bit after as I got tackled by Nathen and Madelyn, they showered me with kisses. I chuckled as I held them both and stood up, Duke held Alivia as he watched me. I kissed them both and place them on our bed. I grabbed Alivia from Duke as I kissed her cheeks. "What about me?" Duke asked.

"Ehh, Do I know you?" I asked back. Duke scoffed. Then our door opened, A clean Angel stood there. "Took you long enough." I mumbled.

"Shut up, I made breakfast." She said. "I was using flour and Nathen grabbed it spilling it on me, Alivia, and Madelyn." She added.

"Ok, ok damn.." I said. We walked out our room, as their was a waffles, bacon, eggs and hashbrowns on plates. "Wow you actually did something decent, sis." I said.

She punched my shoulder. "Right your second time." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

We ate breakfast and I sent Nathen to take a bath, Angel offered to watch Madelyn and take Alivia take a bath. (This isn't werid is it?). Leaving me and Duke with free time.

Me and Duke went into our bedroom closing the door. Duke kissed me as the 1st times of the day. I pulled away. "Really?" I asked, and he nodded as we kissed again, his lips traveled to my neck then my collar bone. "Duke.." I moaned.


"Let me guess you want me to stop since, we have children in the house." He asked against my skin. I hummed in reponse. "Well not my fault you get turned on my by touch." He chuckled as he continued kissing my neck and collar bone.

"Dukee" I said putting my finger over his lips. "Later?" I asked.

"My way?" He asked back.

"Your way is always fun." I admitted kissing his lips.

"Oo the counter top, then the bed, shower then bed again." He said.

"Sounds like you want me pregnant." I said.

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